Evolution of the moon 3 min Chapter 21 Our Moon and Its Phases Satellites – natural or artificial bodies that revolve around larger space bodies (planets) Jupiter’s Callisto Earth’s Luna Saturn’s Triton About 6,000 artificial satellites orbit Earth
Moons of Our Solar System MOON - a natural object that revolves around a planet 4 min Moons of Solar System Mercury none Venus none Earth (1) Luna Mars (2) Phobos & Deimos Jupiter (64) Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto… Saturn (62) Titan, Rhea, Janus, Pandora, Atlas… Uranus (27) Puck, Ariel, Juliet… Neptune (13) Triton, Nereid, Proteus……
Luna – Earth’s moon named after Roman Moon Goddess same age as Earth – 4.6 billion years old most likely made of rock material from Earth Moonlight is not produced by the moon. Moonlight is reflected sunlight. The Sun is the source of the light. tour of the moon 4 ½ min 3 ½ min Mystery of the Missing Moon
Earth Rotates on its Axis Day – part of Earth that faces the Sun Night – part of the Earth that faces away from the Sun The light you see at night is the sunlight reflected by the moon. The Sun is the source of the light. 3 min – Time Lapse – The Moon for a full year Lunar Cycle A complete set of moon phases, from New Moon to New Moon, takes 29.5 days A lunar cycle is the moon making one revolution around the Earth.
Moon Phases 3 min History Channel - Phases 4 min – music only Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven As the moon orbits (revolves) the Earth, we SEE different parts of the half lit moon. The different shapes (parts) are called the moon’s phases. Waxing – lit portion of the moon that seems to be getting larger Waning – lit portion of the moon that seems to be getting smaller
Moon Phases Because Earth rotates, your part of the Earth faces the moon once a day. No matter where you are on Earth, the moon phase will look the same. 2 ½ min A Year in the Life of the Moon 3 min Time Lapse explains Libration
Waxing getting bigger light is on the right Waning getting smaller light is on the left born dying
New Moon Completely dark Moon is located between Earth and the Sun. The entire lit side is facing away from Earth. Beginning of the Lunar Cycle
Waxing Crescent Curved shape Getting bigger LIGHT is on the RIGHT
First Quarter Half of the bright side is visible The moon has completed one-quarter of a full revolution around the Earth. LIGHT is on the RIGHT.
Waxing Gibbous Bulging More than half is lit LIGHT is on the RIGHT.
Full Moon Completely lit up Moon is halfway through its orbit around the Earth. ALL of its lit side is facing the Earth.
Waning Gibbous Bulging More than half is lit Getting smaller LIGHT is on the LEFT.
Third Quarter Sometimes called Last Quarter Moon has completed ¾ of a revolution around the Earth. LIGHT is on the LEFT.
Waning Crescent Curved shape Getting smaller LIGHT is on the LEFT.
Extra Resources 3:45 min Moon Rap Song 3:45 Mr. Parr’s Moon Phases song 5 min. Time lapse of space station at night Cool 4 min Clips of man on the moon NASA 10 min Moon rock collecting First park OK…a little crazy near end PowerPoint Presentation Created by M. Brumbaugh, 2012 Towns County Middle School