Palasan ES, Santa Cruz, Laguna ENGLISH 6 WEEK 4 DAY 1 QTR 3 Oral Language Reading Comprehension Learning Competencies/Objectives Use Of Graphic Organizers Inferring Borrowed Words Using Roots ENGOL-IIId-, ENGRC-IIId-2.15.2 EDWIN N. SUIZO Teacher III Palasan ES, Santa Cruz, Laguna
Reviewing previous lesson What are the ways in sequencing events? There are several ways of sequencing ideas. 1. Chronological order – where the sequence is based on time or when the events happened. 2. Processes or Instructions on how to do things
Establishing a purpose for the lesson Study the following words by analyzing each of them. triANGLE SLOWly FOOLish What have you noticed about each word? Do the capitalized letters in each words refer to root words?
Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson What is a root word? A root word has no prefix or suffix — it's the most basic part of a word. The root word at the heart of "conformity," for example, is "form.“ In linguistics, a root word holds the most basic meaning of any word. It's what's left after you remove all the affixes — the prefixes like "un-" or "anti-" and suffixes such as "-able" and "-tion." With a word like "lovely," when you take away the suffix "-ly," you're left with the root word "love." Other words, like "schoolhouse" and "armchair," are made up of two root words together.
What are prefixes? Prefixes are added to the beginning of roots or root words. mis-, dis-, im-, un-, pre-, under-, etc What are suffixes? A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word which makes a new word. -ful, -ism, -ness, -ion, -ment, etc.
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1 Study the table of prefix and suffix to be used with its meaning. Prefix Definition Example anti- against anticlimax de- opposite devalue dis- not; opposite of discover en-, em- cause to enact, empower fore- before; front of foreshadow, forearm In-, im- in income, impulse in-, im-, il-, ir- not indirect, immoral, illiterate, irreverent
inter- between; among interrupt mid- middle midfield mis- wrongly misspell non- not nonviolent over- over; too much overeat pre- before preview re- again rewrite semi- half; partly; not fully semifinal
sub- Under subway super- above; beyond superhuman trans- across transmit un- not; opposite of unusual under- under; too little underestimate
Suffix Definition Example -able, - ible is; can be affordable, sensible -al, -ial having characteristics of universal, facial -ed past tense verbs; adjectives the dog walked, the walked dog -en made of golden -er, -or one who; person connected with teacher, professor -er more taller -est the most tallest
-ful full of helpful -ic having characteristics of poetic -ing verb forms; present participles sleeping -ion, -tion, -ation, - ition act; process submission, motion, Relation, edition -ity, -ty state of activity, society -ive, -ative, -itive adjective form of noun active, comparative, sensitive
-less without hopeless -ly how something is lovely -ment state of being; act of contentment -ness state of; condition of openness -ous, - eous, -ious having qualities of riotous, courageous, gracious -s, -es more than one trains, trenches -y characterized by gloomy
Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2 Listen carefully as I narrate to you the story, you may jot down notes for some important details to be able for you to answer the guide questions. Guide Questions To Answer After Reading the Story 1. Who are the characters in the story? 2. Where is the setting? Give the time and the place. 3. What are the events that took place in the story?
The Fox and the Crow an Aesop Fable A fox was walking through the forest when he saw a crow sitting on a tree branch with a fine piece of cheese in her beak. The fox wanted the cheese and decided he would be clever enough to outwit the bird. "What a noble and gracious bird I see in the tree!" proclaimed the fox, "What exquisite beauty! What fair plumage! If her voice is as lovely as her beauty, she would no doubt be the jewel of all birds."
The crow was so flattered by all this talk that she opened her beak and gave a cry to show the fox her voice. "Caw! Caw!" she cried, as the cheese dropped to the ground for the fox to grab.
Applications of concepts and skills in daily living We can use some graphic organizers for texts that we have listened to or we have read. Story grammar organizer refers to the structure of the story. It organizes your thoughts and ideas in appropriate and right way. Here are some of the examples:
Generalizations and abstractions about the lesson What skills do we develop in using a graphic organizer? A graphic organizer is a tool or process to build word knowledge by relating similarities of meaning to the definition of the word. It is commonly used in the story grammar in which information/details and even thoughts are properly organized.
Evaluating learning Read the story, “THE FISHERMAN’S DAUGHTER” and choose one of the graphic organizers that were discussed to answer the guide questions. Link for the Short Story
Home Work Look for other graphic organizers that can be used for reading the text.