Welcome to {2nd Grade} with Mrs. Grimes!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to {2nd Grade} with Mrs. Grimes! 2016-2017

Where do I put my stuff? Desk-Folders, Spirals, Supply Box Supply Box- 1 box crayons, 1 glue, scissors, 2 pencils Black Boxes – Markers, Expos, Extra Glue Blue Cart- Kleenexes, Wet Wipes, Paper towels Back Shelf– Lined Paper, Plastic baggies, and paper plates

Parents, there are chairs at the back table , Where do I sit? Find your name tag! Parents can go ahead and start filling out the paperwork in the left-hand side of the folder. Parents, there are chairs at the back table , and by the computers. I have left sharpies and labels in case you need to label anything!

Who is my teacher?

Questions? Please use the post-it notes on the desks to write down any questions that you have and put it in my turquoise pocket chart by the backpack hooks!

Who is my teacher? My name is Ashley Grimes. I am married, and my husband’s name is Troey. We have almost been married for a year. I grew up in Tyler, right down the road from Chandler. This will be my fourth year of teaching and my second year in 2nd grade. My favorite hobbies are photography, graphic design, drawing, reading and writing.

What can I expect from Mrs. G? Students in my class are my kids. They are my family. So, they can expect to feel safe and loved. I strive to keep everything fair as much as possible. I have zero tolerance for bullying, so we will all be respectful and caring to one another.

Behavior Students are expected to obey class and school rules. When a rule is broken, there will be a chance to correct the behavior, but after the warning, students will have to spend time out of recess. If behavior persists, parents will be notified. The last resort will be a trip to the principal’s office. Behavior that goes above and beyond will be rewarded in many different ways! We will be using the Class Dojo system this year. Students will be given points for positive behaviors and will have points taken away for negative behaviors. You can keep up with me online. See your 2nd grade information folders for more info. Students are working toward earning points that will gain them privileges and rewards.

Grading Students are given a lesson, guided instruction and independent work to apply learning. They will be graded on independent work. If the students do not complete work during class, they will complete it during recess or free time. For each day that the work is late, there will be ten points marked off. On the fifth day, they will be given a zero. Work is not allowed to be taken home. If the students rush through and fail the work, they may have to redo the assignment with points taken off. Homework is due on Friday mornings. Please see grading manual for more details.

Grading Newletter Students are given a lesson, guided instruction and independent work to apply learning. They will be graded on independent work. If the students do not complete work during class, they will complete it during recess or free time. For each day that the work is late, there will be ten points marked off. On the fifth day, they will be given a zero. Work is not allowed to be taken home. If the students rush through and fail the work, they may have to redo the assignment with points taken off. Homework is due on Friday mornings. Please see grading manual for more details. This will be sent home every Monday. It will keep you updated on what is going on for the week.

Breakfast is no longer free! It is now $1.50/meal. Breakfast & Lunch Breakfast is no longer free! It is now $1.50/meal. Lunch is $2.25/meal You can add money to your child’s account by going to “Lunch Money Now” on our website. If you plan to eat with your child please make sure you allocate enough time to check in with the office for a visitor pass.

Snack and Lunch We have snack each day around 1:45. Please make sure that your child has a healthy snack each day to keep them going in the afternoon. If you are visiting your child during lunch, please keep in mind the school rule that students are not supposed to be invited to sit with you unless the other student is a family member.

Conferences I always want to be as much help as I can to parents. Please feel free to e-mail me anytime you have a question. E-mails and calls will be answered during my conference time. My conference time is 9:20-10:30. Please make sure to make an appointment with me as I may have other obligations. Conference time is not in the morning or at car pickup.

Absence and Early Leave I understand that students have doctors appointments, and it’s hard to schedule them after school. However, we have important instruction until the very end of the day. If your child leaves early, they may miss important information. Students will be responsible for making up any work or tests missed during the time absent.

Pickup If you need to pick your child up early, write a note or let the office know before 1:00. Please don’t just e-mail me because I don’t always check my e-mail on time. If your child is going home a different way than usual, please let me or the office know. Everyone MUST HAVE A CAR TAG to pick up a student. Please leave your car tag where teachers can see it until you get all the way out of the line.