autonomous underwater profiling glider Seaglider: autonomous underwater profiling glider Quick facts: Buoyancy driven profiling Roll & pitch controlled by battery movements Max depth: 1000 m (for this model) Endurance: up to 10 months Modular sensor system – can add/remove easily Built by Kongsberg, designed by University of Washington
autonomous underwater profiling glider Seaglider: autonomous underwater profiling glider Diving profile: Near real-time data transfer Vertical speed ~10 cm/s Each 1000 m dive: 5 hours 5 km on the surface
autonomous underwater profiling glider Seaglider: autonomous underwater profiling glider Sensors: Can be easily added/removed Our glider(s) have sensors for: Temperature/Salinity Dissolved Oxygen Photosynthetically Available Radiation Fluorometer/turbidity (Acousonde – Acoustics) Sampling interval can be 1-2 s Other sensors are available and being developed
autonomous underwater profiling glider Seaglider: autonomous underwater profiling glider Previous deployments at University of Gothenburg: Drake Passage Nov 2017 – Feb 2018 Glider was also equipped with an acoustic sensor to measure wind speeds. ROAM-MIZ (60°S, 0°E) Dec 2018 – Mar 2019 Upcoming deployments include a winter-time mission in the Southern Ocean, July 2019
autonomous underwater profiling glider Seaglider: autonomous underwater profiling glider Temperature data from the ROAM-MIZ project: Colour shows the temperature measured, the black dots show the base of the mixed layer (surface layer where properties are homogenous). See more at
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