Correlation between TN motoneuronal activity and tentacle movement during fictive locomotion. Correlation between TN motoneuronal activity and tentacle.


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Presentation transcript:

Correlation between TN motoneuronal activity and tentacle movement during fictive locomotion. Correlation between TN motoneuronal activity and tentacle movement during fictive locomotion. (A) Sketch depicting simultaneous video imaging of the left tentacle and electrophysiological recording of the right TN and bilateral spinal VRs in a semi-intact tadpole preparation. (B) Tentacle motion (blue trace), TN spike activity and instantaneous firing rate (black traces) and bilateral VR discharge (green and gray traces) during fictive swimming. (C) Median and 25th and 75th percentiles of normalized tentacle position plotted against normalized and binned TN firing rate of n=18 swimming episodes in N=4 preparations. (D) Boxplot illustrating the distribution of the correlation coefficients between the firing rate of the TN on one side and the movement of the tentacle on the other side (red cross indicates outliers) for the swimming episodes in C with a median of 0.81 (the distribution is significantly different from zero, P<0.001; Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Sara Hänzi et al. J Exp Biol 2015;218:1748-1758 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd