Administrative Matters INTOSAI Working Group on Public Debt WGPD Secretariat | Helsinki Finland September, 2012
I. Amendments to the WGPD Terms of Reference
I. Amendments to the ToR WGPD membership Communicactions Recently added: SAIs of China, Indonesia, Romania Potential member: SAI of India Recently left: UK and Canada Communicactions The official WGPD e-mail address for the Secretariat was added:
II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan
II. Updating of the WGPD Strategic Plan A new Strategic Plan is required for the period 2013-2016 A task team for revising the current plan and generating the new one was created SAI of Austria, Lithuania and Portugal, together with the SAI of Mexico as WGPD Chair, were invited to collaborate Open discussion to be held in Helsinki with regards to the goals and strategies to be included in the new SP.
III. Network of Experts in Public Debt Auditing
III. Network of Experts in Public Debt Auditing Last request to update the information: August 14, 2012 Udpated information from SAIs of Chile, Egypt, Korea, Moldova, Ukraine, United States of America, Sweden and Yemen. Deadline for pending SAIs: September 28, 2012.
IV. Updates in the WGPD Website
IV. Updates in the WGPD Website Domain News and next meeting WGPD Meetings section Diverse materials posted on WGPD Exchange New server and new e-mail service-supplier
V. Handbook for WGPD’s Meetings
V. Handbook for WGPD’s Meetings The Secretariat is working on ammendments to the current version A newly revised version will be distributed among the WGPD members for comments Expected feedback from SAIs of Lithuania and Finland
Thank you!