Figure 5 Recent advances in concrete characterization and fabrication Panel a is adapted from REF. 50 under a Creative Commons license CC BY 3.0. Panels b and c are courtesy of J. C. Weaver, Harvard University, and A. Masic, Massachusetts Institure of Technology (MIT), USA. Panel d is adapted with permission from REF. 122, Elsevier. Panel e is courtesy of B. Khoshnevis, Contour Crafting Corporation, USA. Panel f is courtesy of S. Keating, MIT, USA; the samples were created by Steven Keating and Prof. Neri Oxman (Mediated Matter, MIT Media Lab) in collaboration with Timothy Cooke and Dr John Fernández (MIT Building Technology Department). Panel g is courtesy of Z. Liao, Hong Kong, China. Bechthold, M. & Weaver, J. C. (2017) Materials science and architecture Nat. Rev. Mater. doi:10.1038/natrevmats.2017.82