TNAP and IAP t1/2s and N-glycan remodeling following zanamivir treatment. TNAP and IAP t1/2s and N-glycan remodeling following zanamivir treatment. (A and B) Expression and t1/2s in blood circulation of biotinylated TNAP and IAP proteins at indicated times in WT mice administered either PBS or zanamivir. (C and D) Lectin blotting analyses from identical amounts of biotinylated, biotin affinity-isolated, and immunoprecipitated TNAP and IAP normalized to time 0 and at indicated times following administration of PBS or zanamivir every 6 h. Data are representative of results from six to eight littermate cohort comparisons, and are presented as means ± SEM (***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05). IP, immunoprecipitation. Won Ho Yang et al. PNAS 2015;112:44:13657-13662 ©2015 by National Academy of Sciences