Treasurer Report Sept 2012 Date: 2012-9-16 Authors: Sept 2012 doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1000r0 Sept 2012 Treasurer Report Sept 2012 Date: 2012-9-16 Authors: Ben Rolfe , BCA Slide 1 Jon Rosdahl, CSR Jon Rosdahl, CSR Jon Rosdahl, CSR
Sept 2012 doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1000r0 May 2012 Sept 2012 Abstract Treasurer report for Sept 2012 for the Joint 802.11/.15 Wireless funds Ben Rolfe , BCA Slide 2 Jon Rosdahl, CSR Jon Rosdahl, CSR Jon Rosdahl, CSR
Treasury Net Worth (Unaudited) March 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11/0204r0 Sept 2012 Treasury Net Worth (Unaudited) July 1, 2012 – $433,424.66 IEEE account: $391,948.68 + $462.69 = $392,411.37 Face-to-Face: $194,868.70+$45,300-$30,209.32+$2,400.09-$171,346.18 = $41,013.29 Sept 1, 2012 – $562,733.66 IEEE account: $392,411.37 + $266.67 = $ 392,678.04 Face-to-Face: $41,013.29+$52,500-$7,816.99 +$106,650 -$22,290 = $170,055.62 Ben Rolfe , BCA Slide 3 Jon Rosdahl, CSR
Current estimate Budget Sept 16 March 2011 March 2010 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11/0204r0 doc.: IEEE 802.15-10/0171r0 Sept 2012 Indian Wells– Sept 2012 Current estimate Budget Sept 16 Proposed Budget June 19 Registration Income: $207,900 203,550 Hotel Credits $0 903.00 Registrations 325 309 Meeting Expense Estimate: $215,565 $202,733 AV $15,600 $12,400 Financial Fees $11,995 $11,508 Meeting Planner $39,525 $39,025 Food & Beverage $82,750 $82,750 Network Services $42,000 $37,700 Social $14,095 $13,500 Shipping $ 7,250 $ 4,750 Misc $ 1,350 $ 1,100 Surplus/(Deficit) $(7,665) $1,721 Ben Rolfe , BCA Slide 4 Jon Rosdahl, CSR Page 4 Jon Rosdahl, CSR
Historical Attendance March 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.15-11/0204r0 Sept 2012 Historical Attendance 2003 420 - Ft. Lauderdale ($47,287 - $42,118) 561 - DFW ($72,916 - $78,354) 491 - Singapore ($22,077 - $32,319) 2004 650 - Garden Grove ( $13, 250 - $82,735) 714 - Berlin ($25, 914 - $41,257) 2005 802 - Monterey ($11,858 - $63,183) 523 - Cairns (Australia) ($60,750 - $51,375) 759 - Garden Grove ($87,772 - $94,114) 2006 740 - Hawaii ($32,272) 564 - Jacksonville ($55,163) 350 - Melbourne ($38,855 - $23,184) 2007 478 - Montreal ($750 - $17,425) 439 - Hawaii ($28,200 - $17,720) 2008 361 - Taipei ($126,352 - $24,636) 402 - Jacksonville ($1,850 - $39,459) 379 – Hawaii ($13,343 - $8,557) 2009 355 – LA ($4,724 - $9,835) 344 – Montreal ($8,676 - $29,948) 500 – Hawaii ($16,793 - $17,330) 2010 428 – LA ($9,000 - $33,841) 426 - Beijing ($0) 384 – Hawaii ($1,161- $316) 2011 410 – LA ($13,378 - $29,080) 351 – Indian Wells ($9,128 – $20,536) 313 – Okinawa ($22,669 – $0) 2012 359 – Jacksonville ($16,398 - $30,931.52 ) 335 – Atlanta ($680 - $100.35) 313– Indian Wells (7,665 - $1,721) Historical Attendance: Number attending the meeting (budgeted prior to meeting, final budget ) The numbers in red are a negative (loss), and the black are a positive The Beijing and Okinawa meetings had a sponsor, and so were run on a net zero basis. Ben Rolfe , BCA Slide 5 Jon Rosdahl, CSR