Great Marsden St John's 'Pick and Mix' Homework Year 3 - Spring Term 1 This 'Pick and Mix' homework is for the whole half term. Red Boxes need to be completed regularly each week. Yellow Boxes must be done at some point during the half term. Challenge yourself to the green box activities. These do not have to be done, but if you want to push yourself, that would be super! Reading Please try to read your home reader for 10 minutes at least 3 times per week. Ask an adult to sign your reading record. (Maths task) Complete your division sheet. Try to remember everything we have learnt about dividing, use a working method of your choice. Wednesday 16th January The Empty Box! You can do anything you like; a presentation on something that interests you; write about something you have done - the choice is yours... Grammar task Complete the sheet on plurals. Think about what you have learnt in grammar to help you. Wednesday 30th January Challenge yourself to take up a new hobby. Remember to stick to your New Years resolution. Create a new years resolution. A Family Learning Activity Do not touch your play-station, iPad or computer for one whole day and go for an enjoyable supervised walk or bike ride with an adult. Spelling/Phonics. These will be given out on a weekly basis on Monday’s. Talk about... Staying safe online. Write a detailed description of the Iron Man. You might want to draw a picture too! Wednesday 13th February Read a book by an author you have not read before. Research some things Roman children did for fun. Research a famous Palaeontologist and complete the fact file. Wednesday 23rd January Take a picture of yourself reading in a peculiar place. Bring it in to display in our reading corner. Number Facts Times tables practiced 3x a week, the red math book should be signed after each practice. Children also need to play prodigy for 30 minutes a week. Please tick and initial the activities your child has completed.