Summer- Explorers Autumn – Roman Empire Spring- The Settlers


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Presentation transcript:

Summer- Explorers Autumn – Roman Empire Spring- The Settlers Animals including Humans Plants Light I can describe events and periods using the words BC, AD and decade. Forces and Magnets I can use correct geographical words to describe a place and the events that happen there. Rocks I can describe events from the past using dates when things happened. I can use a map to: Identify key features, plot NSEW, use some OS map symbols, measure distances within 100km and start to use 4 figure grid references. I can describe events and periods using the words ‘ancient’ and ‘century’. I can describe how a volcano is created. I can use a timeline within a specific time in history to set out the order things may have happened I can describe how volcanoes have impact on people’s lives. I can name and locate some of the world’s most famous volcanoes. I can use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indexes. I can explain that early Brits would not have communicated as we do or eaten as we do today. I can use my mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened. I can confidently describe the physical features in a locality. I can talk about what life would have been like for the early settlers. I can locate the Mediterranean and explain why it is a popular holiday destination. I understand and can give details about the different invasions of Britain by different groups over time. I can describe the role archaeologists have had in helping us understand more about what happened in the past. I can recognise the 8 points of the compass. I can describe the fierce fighting used by invaders using hand to hand combat. I can use various sources of evidence to answer questions I can confidently describe the human features of a locality. I can suggest why certain events happened as they did. I can use various sources to piece together information about a period in history. I can explain why a locality has certain human features. I can suggest why certain people acted as they did I can explain why a place is like it is. I can research a specific event from the past. The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. I can explain how the lives of people living on the Mediterranean would be different from my own I can use my ‘information finding’ skills to help me write about historical information. I can identify similarities and differences between given periods in history. I can name a number of countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots. I can name and locate some well-known European countries. I can describe the different weather in different parts of the world, especially Europe. The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor.