THE FINE ARTS Fine Art ; 3D ; Photography ; installation ; Land art During this year you will have the opportunity to develop your knowledge, skills and understanding in a variety of Visual Arts. Exploring the theme ‘UNDER THE SEA’ you will have the opportunity to take part in workshops, collaborative work, develop your own work and, at the end of the year, take part in an exhibition of your work. Over the year, working on a variety of projects, you will explore DRAWING :PAINTING : PRINTING This module aims to develop your observational drawing skills in a range of media, focusing on a variety of items from the theme. These are the key skills you will need for any of the arts. As an extension to drawing you will have the opportunity to experiment with paint and printing. THREE DIMENSION WORK This module will explore designing for clay work. Focussing on the textures from under the sea to create a ceramic response. INSTALLATION ART In this module you will explore ‘issue’ based art work. You will have the opportunity to develop a practical response ,up-cycling materials and create work that will be presented as part of an installation. PHOTOGRAPHY In addition to doing photography in class you will use it to document a fieldtrip (TBC) where we will continue to explore issue based art combined with Land Art. You will also have the opportunity to learn about basic editing techniques. EXHIBITION The end of year 9 will culminate in an exhibition and showcase of work across all the year group. This year will give you a good foundation to continue onto a creative GCSE in Art, Photography, Textiles or Design For more information please see your art teacher.