Hebrews 4:12-13 God’s word is living (life produces life) John 6:63,68 God’s word is active (it is always at work) God’s word is sharp (for cutting: surgery, both exploratory and corrective) V.13 alludes to Genesis 3
Romans 1:14-17 I am debtor To whom? 1 Timothy 1:12-16 How to pay? Titus 2:11-14 I am ready to preach the gospel Had knowledge, had zeal Romans 10:1-3 I am not ashamed of the gospel IT IS GOD’S POWER UNTO SALVATION DYNAMITE 2 Peter 3:16, 2 Timothy 2:15
Romans 10 Two ways of being righteous v.2-3 God’s way vs. man’s way Perfectly keeping the law v.5 (but all have sinned Romans 3:23) Word of God in the heart and mouth v.6-13 If it is not in the heart it cannot save v.17 If it is not in the mouth (confession and evangelism) it cannot save v.9-10
Applications If we really believe this, then: We will speak up for Christ We will not be ashamed to speak up We will be ready to speak up We will live by faith and want others to do so We will pray for others’ salvation We will work for others’ salvation