Data Analysis through Data Driven Dialogue March 2013 Data Analysis through Data Driven Dialogue
Introductions Name, grade, school What are your goals for today? Data analysis is like . . . Quick introductions (5 min) Refer “Data analysis is like . . . “ visuals on table
Goals for Today Review the Collaborative Inquiry Learning Process Share strategies that promote Data Driven Dialog Engage in the Collaborative Inquiry Process using MEAP and district data Review how to use CLASS A to generate reports Provide resources to support data analysis sessions at your school
Collaborative learning Process What do you already know? Participants sketch or write about what they know. Participants turn and talk at their tables. One person from each table shares out. Refer to Collaborative Inquiry Process, Summary of Steps (golden rod) Refer to Collaborative Learning Cycle hand out (blue) and charts from last year.
Problem Solving Focus Data Focus: Fall MEAP 2012 Reading Assessment Focus Question How are the lowest 25% doing? Review Planning handout (peach handout) Other Focus Question examples: Wide angle Is there a positive correlation between students’ skills and their performance in math? Is the rate of enrollment in advanced placement courses for minorities different than that of other groups? Close up How well do our new performance tasks measure our elementary students’ achievement in science? In what ways has differentiation improved performance for special needs students?
Activating & Engaging Purpose: To surface our experiences and expectations for the data No data present Make predictions about the data Share hand out. (green) Participants are encouraged to share what they think they will see in the data and make predictions. This is also the time to evaluate underlying assumptions associated with those predictions. Example: Prediction - On the Fall 2012 MEAP, 80% of girls will be proficient at third grade reading while only 60% of the boys will be proficient. Assumption – The boys did not spend as much time reading as the girls. Activity - 5-10 minutes generate an individual list Share out round robin at tables and record on chart paper Spokesperson shares out to group
Exploring & Discovering Purpose: To analyze data Data is present. The word “because” is banned It is not the time to explain. Group members distinguish, sort, classify, analyze, compare, and contrast while viewing the data set. Post data sets on wall. Give example of rough and refined observation Rough – More students were proficient on the 3rd grade IRW in Fall 2012 than in Fall 2011. Refined – The percent of students who demonstrated proficiency on the Fall 2012 Reading MEAP test was 4% higher than the percent of students who demonstrated proficiency on the Fall 2011 Reading MEAP test. Participants choose a data wall to study. Participants gather at the wall and silently make note of rough and refined observations. Participants share out their observations round robin. One member of the group records. A representative from the group shares out. Use highlighter to identify Strength: 85% or above Weakness: 70% or below
Organizing & Interpreting Purpose: To generate theory of causes and actions Likely causes, based on the interpretation of the data, are generated. These causes may lead to theories and action plans only if additional data confirm and clarify the original data source. Theories of Causation Example Theory of Causation – Students are not spending enough time reading independently. Testing a theory – Look at student reading logs for evidence. Individually fill out the Theories of Causation Charts Share out round robin at tables. Collect responses on chart. Post chart. One person shares out from each table.
Analysis Memos Read analysis memos As you read, “code” your reactions ! Surprises Interesting ? Questions Within each school group, decide who will read each memo. Individuals read and code their reactions. After reading and coding, each member of the group shares their reactions.
Data Dig – Test Delivery Item Analysis Report Displays the percent correct by item. Results Over Standards Report Displays the percent proficient by standard. For district benchmark assessments only. Introduce reports that will be reviewed.
Data Dig – Performance Analysis Percent Proficient by Subgroup Sorts data as subgroups MEAP Item Analysis Displays MEAP data by percent correct for each item Student Progress Report Shows student progress over time Compare My Class Compares building data to district data by standard Marilyn (60 min) Participants do data dig (30 min)
Time for Collaboration Plan for the Collaborative Inquiry Process at your school Engage in the Collaborative Inquiry Process as a team Identify and print reports for a data display How will you use your collaboration time? Share what’s available on your website. Use highlighter to identify Strength: 85% or above Weakness: 70% or below
Whip Around Now I… End of day