Links with WGE Augustin Colette & Oksana Tarasova 17th TFMM annual meeting – Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Context TFMM Workplan Executive Body 2015 Decision « ECE/EB.AIR/2015/1 » WGE has ICP on integrated monitoring What is the role of the TF on Reactive Nitrogen, they are also involved in effects assessmnet What about integrated modelling?
Monitoring Differences in measurement strategies Specific connection with International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (ICP IM) Measurement Manual refers to EMEP measurement methods for atmospheric chemistry and precipitation chemistry, but there are many more groups in WGE
WGE observational programs 7 Methodology and Reporting of Subprogrammes The methodology and reporting are covered in each of the following subprogrammes 7.1 Subprogramme AM: Meteorology 7.2 Subprogramme AC: Air chemistry 7.3 Subprogramme PC: Precipitation chemistry 7.4 Optional subprogramme MC: Metal chemistry of mosses 7.5 Subprogramme TF: Throughfall 7.6 Optional subprogramme SF: Stemflow 7.7 Subprogramme SC: Soil chemistry 7.8 Subprogramme SW: Soil water chemistry 7.9 Optional subprogramme GW: Groundwater chemistry 7.10 Subprogramme RW: Runoff water chemistry 7.11 Optional subprogramme LC: Lake water chemistry 7.12 Subprogramme FC: Foliage chemistry 7.13 Subprogramme LF: Litterfall chemistry 7.14 Optional subprogramme RB: Hydrobiology of streams 7.15 Optional subprogramme LB: Hydrobiology of lakes 7.16 Optional subprogramme FD: Forest damage 7.17 Subprogramme VG: Vegetation (intensive plot) 7.18 Optional subprogramme BI: Tree bioelements and tree indication 7.19 Optional subprogramme VS: Vegetation structure and species cover 7.20 Subprogramme EP: Trunk epiphytes 7.21 Optional subprogramme AL: Aerial green algae 7.22 Optional subprogramme MB: Microbial decomposition 7.23 Optional subprogramme TA: Toxicity assessment 7.24 Optional subprogramme BB: Inventory of birds 7.25 Optional subprogramme PH: Phenological observations
Modelling relative 1990-2010 change in PM2.5 exposure the EMEP model (%) TFMM has a long history of EMEP/MSC-W benchmarking through Eurodelta Can we take stock of Eurodelta work in terms of Impact Modelling What is the translation of discrepancies between models in terms of Health Ecosystem Crops Climate std dev. of the relative change in the 6-model ensemble
Assessment Even if measurement techniques differ, trends offer an interesting case study to reconcile WGE & EMEP approaches ICP Vegetation 2016 Trend brochure: “Despite a European decline in ozone concentrations of more than 60 ppb, AOT40 did not show any trend, apart from a decline in Slovenia” WGE Trend Report “difference in SOMO35 levels between 2000-2002 and 2010-2012. At the country level, there is no clear change for the period of 2000–2012 in the WHO European Region Member States” TFMM 2016 Trend Report “human and vegetation exposure levels (as measured by SOMO35 and AOT40, respectively) that have experienced a relative decrease of 30 and 37%, respectively, from 2002 to 2012 ICP Veg Trend Brochure, 2016 WGE Trend Report, 2015
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