NDPHS Work Plan for 2012 NDPHS 8th Partnership Annual Conference Liisa Ollila NDPHS CSR Co-Chair NDPHS 8th Partnership Annual Conference 25 November 2011
NDPHS Work Plan for 2012 Specifies activities to be implemented by the NDPHS in 2012 Builds on the Oslo Declaration, NDPHS Strategy and the EUSBSR Takes into account the revised NDPHS goals and operational targets Includes annual work plans of the NDPHS Expert and Task Groups Focuses on implementation of the NDPHS Strategy and the EUSBSR Guides the Partnership towards achievement of the ”NDPHS Vision: 2013” Contains 7 Action Lines
Action lines (1-3) Action Line 1: Working toward the NDPHS goals and taking actions to implement mid-term operational targets Continuation of efforts to implement the NDPHS operational targets and planning of the implementation process beyond 2012 Action Line 2: Leading and coordinating the Health priority sub-area in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Action Plan Taking the necessary actions for continued successful discharging of the Partnership’s role as the Lead Partner for health component of the EUSBSR Action Line 3: Taking efforts to increase the profile of health and social well-being among the priorities of the funding programmes operating in the Northern Dimension region Taking the necessary actions to publicize and promote the ideas contained in the NDPHS position paper on raising the profile of health and social well-being Continuation of cooperation with the Baltic Sea Network of the European Social Fund and the ENPI CBC Karelia Programme
Action lines (4-6) Action Line 4: Providing adequate funding for the NDPHS and Partnership-relevant activities and projects Ensuring that funding be made available for the NDPHS Expert and Task Groups, including through external sources, e.g. the ENPI Regional East Indicative Programme 2010-2013 Timely payment of contributions to the NDPHS budget Action Line 5: Increasing the Partnership’s visibility Interaction with relevant actors in the ND area, inclusion of provisions regarding the NDPHS in relevant high-level documents, presentations at regional events, dissemination of information and PR materials Action Line 6: Establishing the NDPHS Secretariat with its own legal capacity Ratification of the Agreement on the Establishment of the NDPHS Secretariat, finalization and signature of the Host Country Agreement, development of a regulatory framework (e.g. Financial Rules and Staff Regulations)
Action line (7) Action Line 7: Monitoring the Partnership’s progress and reporting on it Regular monitoring of the progress in implementation of the NDPHS operational targets, annual reporting in accordance with the NDPHS Annual Reporting Mechanism, annual reporting on the implementation of the EUSBSR
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