SB #12 Antonio Mora and Emi Haze Double Exposure Techniques Agenda 3/14/16 SB #12 Antonio Mora and Emi Haze Double Exposure Techniques Double Exposure Project Don’t forget SB #10: DE Brainstorming 5) CPR Presentations 6) 2 weekly photo challenge photos Due today SUBMIT Photos to the LITMAG!!! Deadline 3/25
SB #12: Choose 1 double exposure image from Mora’s work. Describe it in detail or draw a mini sketch of it. Explain why you like this artwork. What makes it visually dynamic? What techniques did he use? What type of photographs? Explain how this image could inspire 1 of your own double exposure images. Choose 1 double exposure image from Emi Haze’s work. Describe it in detail or draw a mini sketch of it. What techniques did she use? What type of photographs?
SB #10: Brainstorm ideas for your double exposure project. What 2 images will you need to shoot for your first double exposure? Portrait with architecture, landscape, seascape, etc. Draw a thumbnail sketch of your idea. What 2 images will you need to shoot for your second double exposure? What 2 images will you need to shoot for your third double exposure?