Challenge 100 Important dates. Your Form has been given the challenge of raising £100* for the Charity of your choice. Activity Completed Come up with four ideas and pass them to Miss Brennan. Create and use a sponsor sheet. Can make more than one template! Email/write/phone/text all your friends, teams you play for, family and even those long lost aunts! Make posters and collection buckets with your charity on. Organise an event! Update and thank everyone that has kindly donated to you. Check your chosen charity website to see if you need to fill in any paper work before money is sent off. Easter Half Term Important dates. Date What needs to happen? Who needs it? Friday 2nd May (Week after half term) All ideas for activities and charities. Miss Brennan Wednesday 7th May You will get given your charities and activities so you can start raising money. Year 7 Form teachers Friday 13th June (unlucky for some!!) All your sponsorship money MUST be in by this date. Mrs Allpress (Form tutors to pass money straight on once you receive it!)