Fiscal policy program Presented by Cindy Draper, Fiscal Policy Officer – Training Days 2018 Introduce myself This session is to provide an overview of the NEW Fiscal Policy Program and how it is different from the old Fiscal Operations (FIS) Manual Introduction to Fiscal Policy Program 1 * Purpose * Overview & Structure * Website & Resources Pass out Introduction This can also be found in the Fiscal Policy Manual on the new comprehensive website, which we will explore in a moment. Click slide The Purpose of the Fiscal Policy Program is to effectively manage all aspects of fiscal policy, and provide policy, rules, procedures, guidelines & other resources. The Overview & Structure sections provide additional information about the FPP and the new numbering system. University Policy for Fiscal Policy Program Authority outlines authority over this program & the fiscal policy manual. New numbering convention aligns with University Policies & Standards (03) + 3-digits representing the major administrative or functional fiscal activity + 3-digits representing specific fiscal rule within a category. Click on slide, then link to website Path to site is shown, but it can also be accessed through the FIS manual. Navigating Through Online Manual Variety of ways to locate a FISCAL POLICY Various GUIDELINES available QUICK LINKS to various resources Steps to follow if you need a new or revised fiscal policy Important Information Policy Under Review Now let’s learn more about the roles & responsibilities directly related to the new FPP Open contacts on website to show lists of Policy Coordinators, Stewards & Committee Members OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
Fiscal Policy Coordinators 2 * Point of contact for administering & enforcing fiscal policy Who are Fiscal Policy Coordinators & what is their role? Designated staff within each Business Center Serve as liaisons between staff & the Fiscal Policy Officer Knowledgeable of & experienced with administering & enforcing fiscal policy Responsible for processing, implementing & communicating new or revised fiscal policies & associated rules OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
Fiscal Policy Stewards 3 * Content expert Who are Fiscal Policy Stewards & what is their role? Content expert for a particular policy or rule Designated from a unit within the Controller’s Office Previously referred to as Policy Owners May also act as a Coordinator OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
Fiscal Policy Committee 4 What is the Fiscal Policy Committee & how are they working to improve processes? I chair the committee, and there are 9 members representing units across campus Collaborative team that that meets regularly & has been working together over the past year to develop the new Fiscal Policy Program Support the development and maintenance of OSU’s fiscal policy & associated rules Provide guidance & make recommendations to ensure fiscal policy is consistent with university policies & standards, as well as the DFA strategic plan Promote open/transparent communication & facilitate participation in fiscal policy matters * Collaborative team representing financial units, business centers & key stakeholders OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
What’s New 5 Changes we've already implemented. . . . . New website to provide easy access to all fiscal policies and associated rules, definitions, FAQs, training opportunities, internal control information, forms and other resources New Fiscal Policy Manual, with new format and numbering system New Status Report to track policy under review or revision, and to quickly identify key information (such as who the Policy Steward is) Program procedures, forms & other resources developed to standardize and improve processes related to requests, inquiries & maintenance of fiscal policies & associated rules What’s New 5 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
What’s to come 6 Improvements we're still working on. . . . . Please reference Our Current Effort on back page of the Introduction for more information about this process Thorough review of each policy to ensure the following: Purpose and intent are clear & reasonable University’s risk assessment is reflected Content is consistent with university policies & standards, as well as the strategic plan of the DFA Content is relevant, aligned with the current governance structure and any reference to OUS has been removed Standardized format, numbering convention & new status fields are updated What’s to come 6 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY