HIELC, Hamburg, 5 April 2019, Dr. Till Markus LL..M. City of Hamburg Resource Responsibility through European Regulations for Trade in Fisheries Products HIELC, Hamburg, 5 April 2019, Dr. Till Markus LL..M.
Resource Responsibility through EU Trade Regulations for Fisheries Products? Resource Responsibility in Fisheries Resource Responsibility in Fisheries Trade? Scope of the fisheries trade regime How is the global market distributing resources? The EU‘s role as an importer The EU‘s Fisheries Trade Regime Possible EU Measures to Promote Resource Responsibility
Resource Responsibility and State of Fish Stocks SDG 14 and Target 14.4: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development […]” „By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, [etc.], to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce [MSY] as determined by their biological characteristics.” FAO, SOFIA 2018 (p. 6) 59,9% at MSY (only 7% less) 33,1% beyond MSY
Trade in Fisheries Products… …includes: Imports from sellers located in third countries Landings in ports from vessels carrying a third country‘s flag Imports from EU companies‘ subsidiaries Imports from overseas territories (EU) Exports to third countries and Intra-EU-Trade …does not include Capture or farmed fish taken in TS, EEZ, High Sea, or in third country waters (where based on access-agreements) Land-based aquaculture products from within MS-territories …Subsidies?
Global Trade in Fish and Fish Products FAO, SOFIA 2018
The EU’s Trade Deficit in Fisheries Products Status quo 2016 (Eurostat) EU is the largest import market for fisheries products. Approx. 63% of the fish consumed in the EU is now caught or produced outside the EU. Volume: 6.017.791 t. Net value Extra-EU-Import = €24.6 billion Import numbers continue to grow
Are High Import Rates an Issue for Resource Responsibility? Mapping assumptions regarding effects... Market liberal assumptions... Market sceptical assumptions… What do we actually know? (Inconclusive) Studies support both types of effects Globalizing markets seem to increase fishing pressure Markets seem to have catalytic effects for positive and negative effects Effects of trade depends on national management systems in export states
The EU’s Trade Regime for Fisheries Products Political background Scope: Tariffs, market access rules, not subsidies Factual background: Importers are developed /transitional states (Iceland, Norway, Russia, China) developing or transitional states (Vietnam, etc…) Trade regulation Import promoting measures Import restricting measures
Possible Resource Responsible Actions and Measures under the EU Trade Regime Evaluate negative trade effects Restrict imports to sustainable and legal products Continue to close markets effectively for IUU-catch Support sustainable fisheries in (developing) countries Legally caught might not be sustainably caught! To achieve public and private standards Against IUU-fishing in their TS and EEZs Reduce demand pull by recovering own stocks Effectively integrate private access to third country waters into access agreements
Thank you for your attention! till.markus@ufz.de