Megan Corbett Lindsay Henry Denise Michel Life Science Megan Corbett Lindsay Henry Denise Michel
Units of Study Structure and Function Genes and Molecular Machines Ecosystems and their Interactions Carnivore Study (in collaboration with Woodland Park Zoo)
Structure and Function Concepts Covered: Cell Structures & Functions Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Body Systems (Frog Dissection!!) Information Processing
Genes and Molecular Machines Concepts Covered: Sexual v. Asexual Reproduction Mitosis v. Meiosis DNA Dominant vs. Recessive Traits Gregor Mendel & Punnett Squares Natural and Artificial Selection
Ecosystems and their Interactions Concepts Covered: Ecosystem Organization Population distribution and changes Water Quality Extinctions Matter Cycles Energy Transfer Biodiversity Human Impact
Carnivore Study in collaboration with Woodland Park Zoo Program details: Local carnivore ecology Field research methods (organism mapping, “camera traps,” etc). Collaboration between scientific groups. Presentation of scientific findings.