Anti-Tip Bar for manual wheelchair Nick Burjek Andrew Dawson Austin Dirks Katie Gallup Harrison Lamons
Problem Statement Manual wheelchairs are typically equipped with anti-tip bars that prevent the wheelchair from tipping over backwards and injuring the user. Decrease mobility of user Most users remove bars Higher risk on hills
Project Goals and Requirements Develop an electrical system that engages to prevent accidental tipping while preserving the mobility of the active user. Inexpensive and lightweight Maintain upright footprint Be able to fold to fit into front seat of a car Allow user to rest in a reclined position Not inhibit any desired motion No added effort from user
Safety Advantages Provides user the comfort and safety of knowing there is a support system behind them in place at all times Provide different levels of safety depending on user situation Normal use Hills Free floating when needing to go over curbs
Solution Use a hinge based support system with solenoid activated stopping pins It will be center mounted and be a single system Serves 2 functions Provides resistance to user while achieving their balancing point Acts as a stop to prevent user from tipping backwards
Completed Work Completed 2 funky functional prototypes Continued meetings with project sponsor to discuss redesigns Solidified our design, which will now use torsion springs to create a more compact package Designed collar for attaching system to wheelchair and sent plans to machine shop Ordered and modified solenoids to fit our needs (created a spring-loaded solenoid)
Current Work Continue developing third “funky-functional” prototype Waiting for the collar to come back from machine shop Begin designing the stopping point tracks within the outer shield Work on mounting solenoids to leg and devise a better, smaller battery system
Future Work Once receive collar back continue work on side panels to finalize position of the tracks Attach torsion spring into leg and to collar Make measurements to determine where to place the solenoids Continue testing on this newer design Make a better battery that is smaller yet just as powerful