Major Academic Plan (MAP) Associate in Arts & Sciences BS in Journalism (83-90 credits) English Department College of Arts, Letters, and Education Why study Journalism? Journalists are in the unique position of interpreting the political, social, economic, and cultural events that affect all members of society. Few careers demand a more varied body of knowledge than does journalism and the program at EWU recognizes that the profession is both a discipline of its own and a fusion of many different courses of study. Learning Goals Write in both report and feature story forms Understand local government and the public policy process Be a critical and analytical observer of the American public policy process Observe and write efficiently and clearly about public events and public issues Writing and Internship Opportunities The Easterner newspaper is published weekly by a staff made up entirely of students, who work as reporters, editors, copy editors, photojournalists, and web designers. Additionally, the journalism professors help connect students with Spokane news outlets, public relations agencies, advertising firms, and other organizations looking for interns. Program Director William Stimson 211G Patterson Hall Cheney, WA 99004 509.359.6034 Department Chair Dr. Logan Greene 203 Patterson Hall Cheney, WA 99004 509.359.2400 Department Assistant Diane Weber 203 Patterson Hall Cheney, WA 99004 509.359.6039 Sample Careers Reporter Editor Magazine Writer Broadcast Journalist Communications Specialist Public Relations Specialist Political organizer Advertising Specialist
AA-DTA Degree Requirements with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements GREEN RIVER C.C. COURSE E.W.U. COURSE EQUIVALENT BASIC SKILLS (15 credits) ENGL& 101 English Composition I (5) ENGL 101 College Composition: Exposition and Argument (5) ENGL 127 Writing: Social Science(5) or ENGL 128 Research Writing: Science/Engineering/Business ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) HUMANITIES/FINE ARTS/ENGLISH (15 credits) CMST& 102 Intro to Mass Media (5) JRNM 330 Mass News Media (5) JOURN 101 Newswriting (5) JRNM 332 News Writing (5) SOCIAL SCIENCE (15 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. NATURAL SCIENCE (15 credits) ADDITIONAL CREDITS (15 credits) CMST& 220 Public Speaking (5) CMST 201 Public Speaking (5) LIFETIME FITNESS/WELLNESS AND ACTIVITY (4-9 credits) DIVERSITY REQUIREMENT (1 course) *Speak with advisor at Eastern. ELECTIVES (6-11 credits) The courses listed below transfer to satisfy EWU Graduation Requirements and can be taken before or during the major programs: Cultural Diversity (one course) AMES 100 Introduction TO American Minority and Ethnic Studies (5) AMES 150 Race and Ethnicity in the Pacific (5) ANTH 211 Nuu-Chah-Nulth-Indians (5) ANTH& 210 Indians of North America (5) ANTH& 216 Northwest Coast Indians (5) CJ 220 Multicultural Diversity in Criminal Justice 95) CMST 238 Intercultural Communication (5) ENGL 160 Literature By and About Women (5) ENGL 249 U.S. Latino Literature (5) HIST 224 African-American History (5) HIST 233 History of Latin America (5) HIST& 215 Women in U.S. History (5) SOC 220 Sex and Gender in Society (5) International Studies (one course) AMES 194 Special Topics – American Minority and Ethnic Studies (1-5) BUS 181 Introduction to International Business (5) BUS 186 International Marketing (5) ENVS 204 Natural Science and the Environment (5) HIST 230 20th Century Europe (5) HIST 231 Modern Asia (5) HUMAN 133 People, language and Culture (5) HUMAN 186 Peoples of the World (5) HUMAN 190 Latin American Culture Through Literature (5) PHIL 210 Comparative Religion (5) PHIL 220 Introduction to Eastern Philosophy (5) POLS& 203 international Relations (5) POLS& 204 Comparative Government (5) SOC& 201 Social Problems (5)