ICT Business Plan Representatives: Mteto Nyati. - ICT Business Plan Representatives: Mteto Nyati - Altron Group Chief Executive Doug Wooley - Dell EMC VP Sales & GM South Africa 16 January 2019
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ICT SEGMENT MASTER PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 ICT CURRICULUM SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ICT JOINT INVESTMENT PROGRAM 3 DESCRIPTION Work with government to introduce new legislation and policies for ICT to become formally part of the education curriculum to support the Digital economy. DESCRIPTION Allow / empower the ICT industry to drive ICT SETA SPEND with the objective to drive Critical skills development. DESCRIPTION Create a joint ICT sector fund (like an ICT bank) for start-ups and provide preferential / sponsored / free access to our ICT technologies and IP. EXECUTION PLAN Digitize the curriculum and include ICT - (digital platform/existing platforms) Plan to get the teachers upskilled International best practice – reusable IP MEASURE OF SUCCESS Inclusion of ICT relevant curriculum by 2020 STEM subjects digitized by 2020 Common Platform for learning by 2020 EXECUTION PLAN Identify best practice of countries that are making progress Give the funds back to industry through a tax break incentive MEASURE OF SUCCESS Self regulation to promote agility 2019 Use the funds for the right/critical ICT skills development – make 30% of ICT skills levy contribution available to establish the right platform EXECUTION PLAN A joint ICT industry investment program Need to make investing in Venture Capital’s in South Africa attractive Use ICT to fund/enable SMME’s MEASURE OF SUCCESS Fund Matching – ICT segment/Government 50/50 – Policy in 2019 # new entrants (startups, great ideas) (any segment) by 2021 ICT SEGMENT CONSOLIDATION OF MINISTRIES 4 R&D INNOVATION INCENTIVES 5 DESCRIPTION Work with government to consolidate “ICT” related ministries (DST, DOC, DTPS etc..) to radically improve the collaboration, execution, monitoring and evaluation of how the ICT sector and Government partner to achieve economic and social impact. DESCRIPTION Work with government to introduce the relevant Research & Development incentives to allow the industry to allocate more resources to innovation and skills development objectives and programs. EXECUTION PLAN Consolidate the number of ICT related ministries to ONE We need an advisory council to the president made up of the ICT industry leaders ICT advisory council to participate and advise on policy development to support innovation, development & investment (including foreign investment) MEASURE OF SUCCESS Ask government to consolidate ministries by May 2019 Establish an ICT advisory council to the state president – first sitting by May 2019. EXECUTION PLAN Establish regionalised or zoned tax Incentives MEASURE OF SUCCESS Grow the R&D investment through relevant incentives ICT Research & Development to form a subset of the State Presidents stimulus package Track: Job Creation, Foreign Direct Investment, Skills & SMME development, increase in Jobs of the future MASTER PLAN