Classification of Rankine Cycles
Parametric Study of Rankine Cycle h P max
Specific Volume vs Temperature @15MPa @35MPa
Parametric Study of Rankine Cycle 23.5MPa 22MPa 18MPa 10MPa 6MPa 3MPa h 1MPa Tmax
Reheating : A Means to implement High Live Steam Pressure Supercritical 593/6210C 593/5930C 565/5930C 565/5650C 538/5650C Improvement in Efficiency, % 538/5380C
More Bottlenecks to Achieve Supercritical Steam Cycle 3sub 4sub T 2 1 s
Ill Effects of High Pressure Cycles x Pressure, MPa
Old Last Stage LP Blade
Modified Loss Region
Hurdles to Achieve High Pressure and Win-Win Solutions P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department I I T Delhi Right Placement of Energy into Working Substance…..
Progress in Steam Rankine Cycle Year 1907 1919 1938 1950 1958 1959 1966 1973 1975 MW 5 20 30 60 120 200 500 660 1300 p,MPa 1.3 1.4 4.1 6.2 10.3 16.2 15.9 24.1 Th oC 260 316 454 482 538 566 565 Tr oC -- FHW 2 3 4 6 7 8 Pc,kPa 13.5 5.1 4.5 3.4 3.7 4.4 5.4 h,% ~17 27.6 30.5 35.6 37.5 39.8 39.5 40
Why should steam condense during Adiabatic Expansion?????
Thermodynamic Characterization of Working Fluid
Philosophical Recognition of Working Fluid Organic Substances must be selected in accordance to the heat source temperature level (Tcr < Tin source)
Reheating of Steam to Enhance Quality at the Turbine Exit Single Turbine drum
Analysis of Reheat Cycle Consider reheat cycle as a combination of Rankine cycle and horn cycle. Cycle 1-2-3-4-5-6-1 = Cycle 1-2-3-4-4’-1 + Cycle 4’-4-5-6-4’. Therefore, 4’ 6
Analysis of the Reheat Cycle 4’ 6
Clues to Achieve Double Benefit Consider the ratio of Define Increment in efficiency
Selection of Reheat Pressure pmax= 15 MPa Tmax= 550 0C Tsat= 342.20C
Effect of Reheat Pressure on New Tm,in pmax= 15 MPa Tmax= 550 0C Tsat= 342.20C
Effect of Reheat Pressure Dh,% 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ~0.3 prh/pmax
Optimal Selection of Reheat Point
Reheating : A Means to implement High Live Steam Pressure Supercritical 593/6210C 593/5930C 565/5930C 565/5650C 538/5650C Improvement in Efficiency, % 538/5380C