Jillian Davis SS8H2A: Explain the importance of the Charter of 1732, including the reasons for settlement (philanthropy, economics, and defense).
Introduction Watch the video. While we watch, write down at least 3 key terms you see/hear. Try to define the term if you can! HZvtIk
Who? King George II, Oglethorpe, Trustees, 115 Colonists What? Document to start colony Why? Charity, Economics, Defense
3 Reasons for Colonizing Georgia
Help relieve poverty & Unemployment– Britain Home for the “worthy poor”
Increase Britain’s trade and wealth Mercantilism
Buffer Colony Protect South Carolina Indian Attacks Spanish or French Attacks
Graphic Organizer Activity Half will use textbook Half will use teacher’s notes (handout given) Subheadings: Charter of 1732 Charity Economics Defense When timer goes off, get with your partner (assigned) Compare organizers. Add information. Constructed response (more info given later)