Residential Visit Monday 8th April until Wednesday 10th April 2019 Whitemoor Lakes Residential Visit Monday 8th April until Wednesday 10th April 2019
What can you expect from Whitemoor Lakes?
What will the children need to bring? Outdoor activities One set of clothes per day; Warm layers Sensible trainers or outdoor shoes Warm socks Waterproof jacket Hat and Gloves Hair bobbles for long hair Water sports (if you’re doing them) Clothes you don’t mind getting wet (two sets if you’re doing raft building and canoeing) Shoes to get wet Spare towel A bag for wet things
Indoor activities Long sleeves for archery Indoor shoes Clothes for disco (if required, no high shoes) Optional items Waterproof trousers Wellington boots Torch
General items Towel Wash kit (toothbrush, tooth paste, soap, flannel, shampoo, roll on deodorants only) Sun cream Insect repellent Pyjamas (don’t forget your teddy) Enough underwear and socks for your stay, plus spares in case you get wet. A few things to remember Your clothes may get dirty, so don’t bring your best stuff. Tracksuit bottoms are good for activities; please avoid leggings, jeans and skirts. No open toed shoes
Remember! Please do not bring electronic games, radios, personal stereos or anything that makes unnecessary noise, may get lost or broken. Maybe bring a set of cards, top trumps, charades, etc…. Don’t bring aerosols- if you need deodorants bring roll on (this is due to the fire sensors being extremely sensitive!) Bring a suitcase or holdall and a few plastic bags for your wet clothes. On the Monday you will need a packed lunch (no fizzy drinks!) The first meal of the day is 6pm. (make sure that your lunch is in a disposable bag) They suggest a water bottle to be packed but I would suggest this is the one you bring with your packed lunch
Label, Label, Label!!! Please label everything- (Top tip use a ‘Sharpie’ pen) it is sooo much quicker!!!!