Living Things Animals
BrainPop: Intro to vertebrates and invertebrates Questions for viewing: 1. are humans mammals? 2. what do all mammals have in common? 3. what is the only animal with feathers?
Mammals- what do they have in common? Hair
Backbones ( vertebrates!)
Milk for feeding Nutrients to help us grow!
Breathe with lungs
Most mammals have four legs.
Mammal Song
All about invertebrates! Do not have backbones Can have soft bodies Exoskeleten (bones are on the outside) Can have 8 legs
Worms No bones No lungs ( breathe with their skin… that’s why they need to stay wet!) Tiny hairs all over body to help them move around Fun fact: worms have 5 hearts!
Sea Jellies Live in the sea Soft, stinging bodies Do not have brains Have tentacles See–through Eat plankton
Mollusks Oysters, Snails, octopus, squid Soft, warm bodies No legs! ( Some have tentacles) Most have hard shells
Arthropod Cockroach, Spiders , insects, Shrimp Skeleton on the outside their bodies ( exoskeleton) INSECTS: 3 parts of body , 6 legs Spiders : 2 parts of body, 8 legs
Invertebrate song