• to create an “infomercial” to rally voter support for The Project Envoy-Search for Life program MISSION
Brainstorming Process
Brainstorming Process
Brainstorming Process
.search for outer space starts from inner space .space makes us feel small, but the pursuit of life makes us feel big .in order to find life, we must be in the living of it EXPLORATIONS
:60 “the puzzle of life”
Light turns on closet, revealing board games
CU of man holding puzzle of earth
Dump of jigsaw pieces on table
CU of hand spreading out puzzle pieces
Putting together of puzzle
CU-puzzle piece of illustrated whale
CU of whale piece being put in place
CU-another puzzle piece of palm tree
Last piece is put into place VO: Sometimes the end…
VO: … is just the beginning.
the search for life
Project Envoy :envoy.jpl.nasa.gov
Community Interaction • postcard-size jigsaw puzzle pieces sent to community leaders stating a location + time • they come together, put together the puzzle • NASA scientist explains different findings on Io, Titan, etc. PRINT MEDIA OUTLETS
.search for life is in turn the enrichment of humanity CONCLUSION