Time Management: A Key to Online Success! WHERE DO I START? TIPS FOR SUCCESS! Do you have a work space? You should determine a workplace where you keep all of your materials and documents. Things to consider: is it quiet, is there access to a computer, internet, a printer if needed? Know what is expected of you! Be aware of deadlines and expectations. Read the syllabus, assignment list and instructor announcements thoroughly. Learn to prioritize Plan and organize what needs to be done and when you will do it based on the level of importance. Eliminate, delegate, or delay things that are not as important. Set small manageable deadlines Your deadlines should not control you, you are in control of them. Use a calendar to set and monitor deadlines Write down when you will do your reading, research, first draft, etc. Post your calendar in your workspace and check it frequently so you know what is coming up and what you have accomplished. HINT: It is best to make a weekly schedule so you can balance school and other priorities. Don’t overload yourself Schedule blocks of time to study or complete assignments, make sure to schedule breaks. Schedule what you need to accomplish throughout the week, if you try to accomplish it all on one day you may feel overwhelmed. Get something done Don’t think about everything you need to complete, but rather focus on the first small deadline- your reading or live chat for example. Accomplishing one thing will make it easier to accomplish the other deadlines. Stick with your plan Procrastination can have a negative impact on your success as an online student. If you need help, ask for it right away Since the courses are accelerated it is even more important not to get behind. There is plenty of support available at AIU Online, be sure to reach out to your Instructor or Student Advisor for help. Do you have a study plan? Are you a morning person or a night owl? Are some days of the week less busy than others? What will you need to accomplish for your assignments (go to the library, complete the reading, visit the Learning Center, etc.)? What plan works best for you? ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
My Online Course Calendar Course Code: __________________________ Course Name: __________________________ Date Session Begins: Date Session Ends: Live Chat Times: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday WEEK #1 Intellipath Determine Knowledge or Discussion Board Post is due at 11:59:59 PM C.T. Unit 1 Assignments due at 11:59:59 PM C.T. WEEK #2 Unit 2 Assignments due at 11:59:59 PM C.T. # 3 Unit 3 Assignments due at 11:59:59 PM C.T. #4 Unit 4 Assignments due at 11:59:59 PM C.T. #5 Unit 5 Assignments due at 11:59:59 PM C.T. Instructor Contact Information: Name: __________________________ Email: Phone: Office Hours: ITEMS TO CONSIDER AND SCHEDULE… When will you attend live chats or listen to archived recordings? When will you read? Research? Study? When will you work on your assignments? Be sure to plan time for your Individual Project or Group Project and your Discussion Board! Need Help? Call: (877)221-5800 Student Advising- Option 5 Technical Support- Option 2 SUGGESTIONS FOR SUCCESS: Attend your Live Chats each week or schedule time to review the archived recordings. Visit with your Instructor during Office Hours to ask questions & seek clarification on your assignments. Take a tour of the Library Participate in a Learning Lab or schedule time with a Tutor (if applicable)