The International Plant Protection Convention IPPC Regional Workshop 2016 Update from CPM-11 Corné van Alphen Netherlands European Member CPM Bureau September, 2016
CPM Bureau Executive body of the CPM that provides guidance to the IPPC Secretariat and CPM on strategic direction, cooperation, financial and operational management Seven members, elected by CPM Every FAO region is represented in the Bureau Current Chair is Ms Lois Ransom (Australia), Vice Chair is Mr Javier Trujillo Arriaga (Mexico) Bureau meets 3 times per year and has one virtual meeting
CPM – 11 update Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) is the governing body of the IPPC: 182 contracting parties meet annually and take decisions on important topics for the IPPC CPM-11 met from 4 – 8 April 2016 in Rome (FAO) CPM-11 approved five IPPC annual themes towards 2020, each year with a specified theme: 2016 is year of plant health and food security (e.g. keynote speech from Prof. Rudy Rabbinge (Wageningen University)) 2017 is year of plant health and trade facilitation CPM-11 adopted nine standards by consensus including two ISPMs, two treatments and five diagnostic protocols
CPM-11 update (2) CPM-11 adopted the Framework for Standards and Implementation as a working document to record standards and other tools and to assist with identification of gaps Concept of “commodity standards” New topics to the list of standards and agreed on amendments in the standard setting procedure Review of the Capacity Development Committee and establishment of a Focus Group to discuss the purpose, scope and functions of a new oversight body for capacity development and implementation facilitation Further development of the pilot programme on surveillance Developments in ePhyto including STDF project
CPM-11 update (3) Steering Committee for the proclamation of International Year of Plant Health 2020 Resource mobilization: need to stabilise and create sustained investment in the core operational programmes Side events on emerging issues such as Xylella fastidiosa and invasive ants, ePhyto, diagnostic protocols and surveillance and plant health in the 21st century Training session on ISPM32 “Categorization of commodities according to their pest risk” Special topic session on sea containers CPM-12 (2017) will be held in Republic of Korea (Incheon).
Post CPM-11 events FAO-IPPC-CIHEAM workshop on Xylella fastidiosa (Bari, April 2016) IPPC Seminar on Plant Health Standards and Food Security (FAO, May 2016) Meetings of the Standards Committee (SC) and CDC in May Bureau meeting in June in Beijing (including discussions on sea containers, financial and operational strategies, preparation of Strategic Planning Group and CPM-12) Meeting of the Focus Group on oversight body for implementation facilitation and capacity development (Paris, July 2018)
Questions? Contact Corné van Alphen Ministry of Economic Affairs Netherlands Telephone: +31 6 18596867 Email: