Reportnet for absolute beginners


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Presentation transcript:

Reportnet for absolute beginners Presentation for the DWD reporting workshop (Agenda items 3 and 4) Brussels, 16 July 2008 Hermann Peifer Head of Group: IT networking and data flows

The EEA’s data collection machinery. What is Reportnet? The EEA’s data collection machinery.

Reportnet for advanced beginners Presentation for the DWD reporting workshop (Agenda items 3 and 4) Brussels, 16 July 2008 Hermann Peifer Head of Group: IT networking and data flows

What is Reportnet? Reportnet is a system of integrated IT tools and processes creating a shared information infrastructure to support the reporting of environmental data and information in Europe

Priority data flows in EIONET Air pollution Exchange of Information Decision (air quality data) Monthly ozone data during summer (April–September) Annual air quality questionnaire Near real-time ozone reporting Climate Change CLRTAP data and NEC data (emissions data) UNFCCC reporting and EU GHG data (greehouse gases) Water quality Quality of Rivers, Lakes and Groundwater Quality of transitional, coastal and marine water Biodiversity Common Database on Nationally Designated Areas

Evolution of data reporting Regular mail Fax Tapes CD-ROM Floppy disks Email with attachments Web-based data delivery 80‘s 90‘s 21st century Paper based reporting >> Electronic data reporting

Reportnet modules Reporting Obligations Database ROD (A database of reporting obligations) Data Dictionary DD (Data element specifications) Data Exchange Modules DEM (Formats and templates) Directory DIR (Database of users) Central Data Repository CDR (The website to upload reported data. Optional data conversions and quality checks) 2 1 3 4 5

Reporting obligations Reportnet unrolled Data reporting Data dissemination Network directory 4 Data repository Web forms - - QA/QC - - Aggregators - - Converters - - Reporting obligations Data dictionary Data exchange modules EEA data services Information products 5 1 2 3 Content monitoring 1 2 3 4 Data handling 5

Reportnet and DWD reporting Data reporting Data dissemination Network directory 4 Data repository Web forms - - QA/QC - - Aggregators - - Converters - - Reporting obligations Data dictionary Data exchange modules EEA data services Information products 5 1 2 3 Content monitoring Data handling

ROD and DWD reporting Reporting Obligations Database ~ 400 reporting obligations in total 1 record with meta-data on DWD reporting

DD and DWD reporting Data Dictionary: data element specifications Dataset > Tables > Elements (> Code lists) DWD reporting: 1 dataset, 12 tables

DEM and DWD reporting Data Exchange Module: templates from DD DRAFT data specifications available in the CIRCA Library for this workshop.

Directory and DWD reporting Database of users User name and password are needed for uploading data to the repository. If you can’t remember your user name or password (or both ;-), please contact:

CDR and DWD reporting Central Data Repository The website to upload reported data. Optional data conversions and quality checks.

CDR: Online demonstration Central Data Repository: test site Login name for testing: reporter Follow the instructions from the handout: How to deliver data under the DWD In case of questions related to Reportnet: