DI in Romania – short history: 1990 – State Inspectorate for Persons with Disabilities; / Inspectoratul de Stat Teritorial pentru Handicapaţi 1991 – was adopted the new Constitution which states for the first time, that "people with disabilities enjoy special protection„. 1997 – separated Child-care Directorate is constituted; 1998- the Child-care departments are moved from the health ministry and education sector under authority of the State Inspectorate for Persons with Disabilities;
DI in Romania – short history: 2001 – General Department for Child-care; 2004 - new laws for the protection of children‘s rights; 2005 – start of restructuring of the big institutes and the adult social care sistem – this was not a real DI process; 2007 - harmonization of the legislative framework on social assistance with European legislation;
"A barrier-free society for people DI in Romania: 2013 – Ministry of Labour and Social Protection started the process for drafting the National Strategy: "A barrier-free society for people with disabilities“ - 2015-2020. / to ensure implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by Romania by Law nr. 221/2010. 2016 - The National Strategy was adopted;
DI in Romania: Specific objectives set out in the National Strategy refers to dezinstitutionalization and prevention of institutionalization of people with disabilities while developing alternative services to support independent living and community integration. The funds needed to finance the program will be provided from the state budget, within budget funds approved to the National Authority for Persons with Disabilities.
DI in Romania: Romania, assumed that in the 2015-2023 period to de-institutionalize a number of 1300 adults with special needs, including: - 516 people through European funding; / focusing on institutions with a large number of beneficiaries, especially from those with over 200 rezidents; - 784 by national funding under the National Interest Program; / wil be running over a period of four years (2016-2019).
DI in Romania – short history: Across the National Interest Program: 131 protected houses - in order to facilitate community integration of the deinstitutionalized persons; 39 day centers - of which will benefit not only these people but also people with disabilities who lives in their communities. Purpose: help and support & reduction of entering into residential care.
The goal is - transition to community services DI in Romania: The goal is - transition to community services developing customized quality services in the community; restructuring and closure of residential institutions for people with disabilities; elimination of segregation in society by inadequate standards;
DI in Romania: January 2017 - report no. 97 / NAPD till the end 2016, by the deadline only 7 project proposals were submitted. following the verification of eligibility of applicants and partners: - 6 project proposals did not meet the eligibility criteria and have been declared rejected - 1 project proposal has qualified in the evaluation stage.
DI in Romania – statistics: The population of Romania in 01.01.2016 = 19.760 mill. According to National Agency for Persons With Disability (in autumn 2016): - the rate of people with disabilities in Romania was 3.51% = 779.814 persons 97,69% in family care or living independently 2,31% in public rezidential care
- 61 - non-residential / day care centers. DI in Romania: Total public welfare institutions for adults is 448 of which: - 387 - residential – - 61 - non-residential / day care centers. In - Assistance & Care Centers : ~ 6,500 beneficiaries. - Assisted Living Homes: ~ 900 persons - Recovery and Rehabilitation Centers: ~ 6000 people.
Adult rezidential centers with over 100 clients / 2015 DI in Romania: Adult rezidential centers with over 100 clients / 2015
~ 50.000 € /y. 4160/month ~ 31.200 € /y. 2600/month Differences in average cost per person / year in european institutions - (December 2014 - ENIL) ~ 50.000 € /y. 4160/month ~ 31.200 € /y. 2600/month ~ 66.000 € /y. 5500/month ~ ??? € ~ 60.000 € /y. 5000/month ~ 91.000 € /y. 7580/month ~ 3500 € 292/lună ~ 48.000 € : 4000/month ~ 16000 € 1333/month
Political instability of the past 2-3 years; DI in Romania: Challenges and barriers: Political instability of the past 2-3 years; The harmonization of the laws is not finished yet; / there are legal issues that are barriers that still hinder the participation of people with disabilities in community life. Erratic interministerial collaboration; Lack of a coherent governmental strategy; Underfunding of the social care system;
high costs of DI on short term; DI in Romania: Challenges and barriers: high costs of DI on short term; mismatch of systems providing benefits and social care; indifference of the decision-makers, resistance of the specialists, - local authorities and communities; the underdevelopment of civil social services – non- NGO friendly legislation, financial problems for NGO-s; poor accessibility;
Resistance of the family members; DI in Romania: Challenges and barriers: Deficit in training for adults with disabilities – no suitable infrastructure, no separate budget for it, lack of methodology and educational materials; Resistance of the family members; No training of staff engaged in transfer in the new social services; etc. ................
AAB – DI manager training -PODIUM 15 participants – directors and specialists from different social care institutes.
Thank you for your attention!