Empowered by the Holy Spirit The Journey
The Journey- Empowered by the Holy Spirit Questions: 1) Are you really frustrated about anything in your life right now? 2) Do you feel helpless to change certain situations in your life? 3) Do you feel powerless?
The Journey- Empowered by the Holy Spirit * All passages of Scripture not otherwise designated come from ACTS 1) Imagine how the disciples must have felt (Gospel of Luke) 2) It was the plan of Jesus all along to blow their doors off (1:1) 3) He did not want them distracted by religious stuff (1:6-7) 4) As usual, He asked them to wait (1:4) 5) They were about 120 ordinary people (1:15) 6) The plan He had was empowerment via Himself (1:8) 7) God the Holy Spirit showed up (2:1-4)
The Journey- Empowered by the Holy Spirit Parting Thoughts for Today 1) Are you ready for the Holy Spirit to come upon you? 2) He desires no competition 3) Cry out in faith!