NOVOS ™ The industry’s first reflexive drilling system Vinesh Rambally
WHAT IS NOVOS Reflexive drilling system Automation platform OPEN to custom app development
NOVOS DEPLOYMENT 1 1 8 20 Precision 1 Latshaw 1 Parker 2 Beaver Offshore 2018 1 5 8 1
WHAT DOES IT DO Provides consistency across entire fleet Automates repetitive tasks Platform for optimized drilling Process execution and improvement
WHAT IS THE VALUE TO YOU Reduction in Downtime Tool Protection Limits Enforcement Process Control Open Platform
MAKES YOUR LIFE EASIER Software Development Kit (SDK) OPEN and easy to understand set of development tools Allows the simple creation of apps Includes sample code and supporting notes/documentation
DOWNLINKING THROUGH NOVOS In Control App Menu NOVOS in Control Run Circulation App Upload Downlinking Sequence Access Downlinking Application Edit Sequence if required Start Downlinking Running
HOW DO YOU GET DATA Formation Evaluation Tool Reading Geo Steering Tagging Bottom
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