Overcoming Temptation - Developing a Game Plan Basics Session 6 Overcoming Temptation - Developing a Game Plan
Assignment Discussion What did you learn? What did you find important and why?
Objective Developing and implementing a game plan for dealing with the temptations of life that pull us away from God and keep us from attaining holiness.
The Problem James 1:13-15
The Hope 1 Corinthians 10:12-14 Hebrews 2:14-18, 4:14-15
Flee Temptation! www.battlezoneministries.org
The Plan Matthew 4:1-11 Mark 14:37-38 1 Peter 5:8-9 Ephesians 6:10-18
Religion vs. Relationship Temptations are everywhere. We are all tempted or enticed every day, often by things that are destructive to us. How we respond to temptation determines our level of obedience. The Holy Spirit empowers us to make the right choice when tempted, but He needs to be in control before he can empower us. Addressing temptation and enticement under the power of the Holy Spirit is key to growing in our faith and in our relationship with God.
Application Points What is something new that you learned about God today? What is God telling you to do with this new knowledge? How can what you learned today help you in your daily life?
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For Next Week… Develop a game plan, a personal strategy for handling your strongest personal temptation. Be accountable to a trusted friend for your plan. Living in isolation leads to secrecy, weak character and sinful actions and attitudes. Execute your game plan this week.