Key results of the 26th UPU Congress


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Presentation transcript:

CERP Plenary meeting 2 June 2017 Pascal Clivaz Deputy Director General Universal Postal Union

Key results of the 26th UPU Congress Recent developments in UPU Challenges of the upcoming extraordinary Congress

Key Results of 2016 UPU Congress Istanbul World Postal Strategy Reform of the UPU Amendments to the Acts UPU Member Contribution System UPU Provident Scheme (pension fund) Extraordinary (Mid-term) Congress

Mission, vision & Strategy Work proposals, targets & financials Business Plan: a single plan for all UPU activities in 2017-2020 1 document that covers ALL the planned activities of the Union throughout the 2017-2020 cycle Part I Macro-environment Key trends in the UPU's macro environment which may impact the organization's activities. Part II Mission, vision & Strategy The UPU's mission, vision and strategy for the 2017–2020 cycle. Part III Work proposals, targets & financials The Work proposals (over 40 in total), targets and resources that the UPU will be using in order to roll out the strategy and monitor its fulfilment. Annexes Detailed work proposals

Reform of the UPU Resolution C 27/2016: Management of the work of the Union – Reform of the UPU Decisions: to defer examination of certain reform decisions to an Extraordinary Congress to be convened in 2018; ad hoc group established to study and make recommendations on reform to the CA for consideration by the EC; 7 principles to determine structures and decision-making processes of the Councils

Amendments to the Acts Constitution : Art. 1 Scope and objectives of the Union: now refers to a single postal territory for postal items expanding the scope Art. 1bis Definitions: definition of postal item was updated and moved from Convention to Constitution. Convention : Documents and goods Art. 1 Definitions: a number of changes to redefine the contents of letters and parcels, conforming to two new classes of letter mail: documents and goods Art. 16 Basic Services: New classification for letters as either documents or goods (small packets)

Other decisions of Congress (resolutions) IPP (Resolution C 15) Including the integration of terminal dues with other forms of remuneration Quality of Service Fund (Resolution C 9) optimize and simplify the Fund's rules in order to more effectively assist in the area of development cooperation Extends duration to 31 December 2028 Joint CA/POC Task Force has been formed to study changes to the QSF rules of procedure

Other decisions of Congress (resolutions) cont. UPU Contribution system Resolution C29/2016: “Reform of the system applied to contributions by Union member countries” Decision: CA to prepare, for submission to the next Congress (regular or extraordinary), an alternative contribution model proposal in order to guarantee the Union's long-term financial sustainability UPU Provident Scheme (pension fund) Resolution C 31/2016: “Future sustainability of the Union's Provident Scheme” Decision: CA to study measures to increase stability, sustainability of the Scheme and report in 2018 to the appropriate body of the Union, either an extraordinary Congress (if so decided) or the CA

Council of administration S1 2017 Key results

2017 Council of Administration Key results: Committee 1 (Finance): Formation of task force on reform of the system applied to contributions by Union member coun­tries (19 volunteers) Committee 2 (Regulatory Issues): Approval of prioritization of products and services in the context of access for wider postal sector players Conference on Postal Regulation: approval of concept for series of conferences on postal regulation, one-half day at each CA session, with topics of relevance to member countries, regulators, designated operators and stakeholders Committee 3 (Strategy): Istanbul strategy implementation report format approved KPIs and targets for 2017-2020 approved

2017 Council of Administration (cont) Key results: Committee 4 (Trade Facilitation, Postal Financial Inclusion and E-Trade) High-level forums on trade facilitation and e-trade to be held in S4 and S6 Future plans for markets development and financial inclusion Committee 5 (Cooperation and Development) Ecom@Africa initiative introduced Strategy for implementation of the UPU development cooperation policy approved Sustainable development, disaster risk management and emergency assistance work plans approved Ad hoc group on Reform 65 members and observers from all regions Questionnaire sent to all member countries; deadline for response was 22 May Meeting scheduled for 28 and 29 June CA/POC Quality of Service Fund Joint Task Force Main task is to update the QSF Rules of Procedure following the Istanbul Congress

2017 Council of Administration (cont) CA Resolution 2/2016.2 “Safeguarding the quality of the international postal service” Brought in December 2016 by several member countries Concern because of a decision by the Russian Federation to require advance information on all items brought to customs, in order to continue delivery to IMPCs in Russia If the other DOs did not agree, they would have to deliver all incoming mail to a new IMPC in the Siberian city of Mirnyj The CA approved resolution 2/2016.2 , requiring temporary suspension by the IB of any action to register, process, or publish requests to change IMPC codes in the Russian Federation IB legal study for CA in 2017 The 2017 CA: Accepted the Russian Federation’s assurances that no changes would be made to acceptance requirements at existing IMPCs and that no bilateral agreements would be required.

New developments at the UPU Decision-making and working methodologies A first implementation of the UPU reform at S1 2IPD (Integrated Index for Postal Development) Ecommerce focus being translated into national and regional initiatives Ecom@ projects

Extraordinary Congress 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Extraordinary Congress Resolution C 28/2016 Duration of the EC Five working days at the maximum Mandate a plenary Congress in 2018, “to address various issues relating to the current and future World Postal Strategy, as well as any urgent postal sector issues”. Other elements C 28/2016 instructs the CA with the support of the International Bureau to “assess the need as to whether a mid-term Congress should take place on a permanent basis and therefore be defined in the Acts of the Union, and to submit proposals to the 2020 Congress as appropriate.” Défi numéro 1 : Etre efficace : 5 jours seulement de réunion. C’est court! Défi numéro 2 : Mettre en œuvre le mandat donné par le Congrès et se tenir à ce mandat Défi numéro 3: Établir le besoin de pérenniser les congrès intermédiaires et faire une proposition en 2020

Agenda items from Istanbul Congress decisions (1)

Agenda items from Istanbul Congress decisions (2) 3. Financement de l'organisation (à développer) 4. Système de retraite du personnel du bureau international (à développer)

Draft Agenda and structure Plenary mode   Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Opening ceremony (host country) C 1 (credential) PS 2 Finance (Contributions system) PS 4 Provident scheme PS 6 Reform Strategy day AM PS 1: Formal Opening (Chairmanships, members of restricted committees agenda, rules of procedure etc…) PS 3 PS 5 IPP and changes to the Acts (general regulation, Convention etc) Strategy Day PS 7 Closing Plenary Approval of the Acts and appeals and closing ceremony PM

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