Welcome to the Hillgrove Choral Booster General Meeting Tuesday, February 12, 2019, 6:00 pm Make sure to check out our blog to stay up to date with important dates and choral happenings http://hillgrovechorus.wordpress.com/
Candidates for Board of Directors, HHSCBA Stephanie Davis Whitney Sutherland Wendy Tovar Adrienne Nelson (returning) Kirsten Roberts (returning)
Revenue Budget Expenditures Total Revenue $33,850.00 All State $2,700.00 Accompanist $1,700.00 Return Checks ASO $1,400.00 Senior Gifts $325.00 Banquet $2,000.00 1,600.00 Soloist $100.00 Braves Game $4,250.00 Awards $400.00 Spring Banquet $3,000.00 Dues $8,000.00 Bank Fees $200.00 Substitutes $650.00 Chocolate Fundraisers $12,000.00 Supplies $500.00 Scholarship Chocolate Fundraiser $6,095.00 Online Resources $375.00 UGA Choral Day Choral Letters Photography $75.00 Uniforms Corporation Fees $50.00 Printing $700.00 Gifts $250.00 Professional Development $1,000.00 Total Revenue $33,850.00 GMEA LGPE T-Shirts Insurance $180 Transportation $1,600.00 Meals $1,400 Music Total Expenditures
Hillgrove Choral Booster Association 2018-19 Actual vs. Budget July 1,2018-June 30,2019 July 1,2018 Beginning Balance $10,939.74 Revenue Budget July August September October November December January Year to Date All State $2,700.00 $327.00 $185.00 $426.72 $938.72 ASO $1,400.00 Banquet $2,000.00 Braves Game $4,250.00 Dues $8,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,217.51 $470.00 $130.00 $4,817.51 Chocolate Fundraisers $12,000.00 $3,840.00 $4,470.80 $1,211.10 $129.60 $9,651.50 Sheet Fundraiser $36.00 Scholarship $25.00 $31.00 UGA Choral Day $500.00 $389.00 $69.00 $458.00 Uniforms $1,870.00 $530.00 $653.00 $160.00 $3,213.00 Total Revenue $33,850.00 $9,451.00 $6,503.31 $2,334.10 $ - $ - $882.32 $19,170.73 Expenditures Budget Accompanist 1,700.00 $1,025.00 All State $2,700.00 $118.00 $850.00 $968.00 ASO $1,600.00 $ - Awards $400.00 $150.00 $25.00 $175.00 Bank Fees $200.00 $12.00 Braves Game $4,250.00 $852.00 Chocolate Fundraiser $6,095.00 Choral Letters $782.08 Corporation Fees $50.00 $30.00 Gifts $250.00 $7.37 GMEA LGPE $565.00 Insurance $180.00 Meals $1,400.00 $90.44 $803.26 $313.80 $44.49 $1,251.99 Music $2,000.00 $20.16 $131.68 $263.90 $383.73 $208.44 $21.49 $1,529.40 Reimbursement of Dues $155.00 Return Checks $60.00 Senior Gifts $325.00 $ - Soloist $100.00 Spring Banquet $3,000.00 $500.00 Substitutes $650.00 $151.50 $44.37 $195.87 Supplies $17.48 $138.51 $179.68 $32.86 $104.91 $473.44 Online Resources $375.00 $274.99 $374.99 Photography $75.00 Printing $700.00 $158.63 $340.84 $499.47 Professional Development $1,000.00 $464.00 T-Shirts $1,995.75 Transportation $918.25 UGA Choral Day $504.00 Uniforms $2,630.06 $135.00 $74.00 $2,989.06 Total Expenditures $33,850.00 $1,020.16 $3,048.72 $8,945.93 $3,908.42 $1,434.54 $1,606.04 $2,888.86 $22,852.67 Beginning Balance + Revenue Less Exenditures $10,939.74 $7,257.80 Net Gain/(Loss)
Changes to the Bylaws of the Corporation General meetings at least twice a year Board of directors should be a parent/guardian of chorus student instead of must be Change in method of election to make it less cumbersome: All members are encouraged to volunteer to serve on the Board of Directors. Election of the Board of Directors shall take place at the Spring Meeting of the membership held prior to July 1st of each year or as near thereto as possible. All voting members are eligible to join the Booster Board. The full slate of the Board shall be presented and voted upon at the meeting. Treasurer to prepare the budget, voted on at first general membership meeting of the year instead of Director doing so Amendments to the Bylaws voted on by Board of Directors with notification to the full membership 7 days prior
HHS Chorus Spirit Wear Order Form 30 oz Stainless Tumbler with Chorus Logo $10each ______White ______Silver ______ X $10=_______ Drawstring Back Sack Black &Grey $6each ______ X $6=_______ Round “Gas Cover” Magnet With Chorus Logo $3each Or Free with paid dues ◻one FREE I paid my dues! ______ X $3=_______ Performance Poly Pullover Black or Grey $20each Circle a size ______Black S M L XL XXL ______Grey S M L XL XXL ______ X $20=_______ Pullovers, Bags, and Tumblers are Pre-Order/Pre-Paid only. All orders due with payment due by _/_/2019 Student Name ____________________________________________________Total Amount Due________ Class ◻Treble◻Select◻Men’s
Atlanta Braves vs San Diego Padres Tickets are $17 ea, singers will need a ticket Transportation for singers provided by Boosters Friends and family members are welcome to purchase additional tickets Chorus credit may be used to purchase tickets Orders must be received by March 25 Atlanta Braves vs San Diego Padres Thursday May 2 Game: 12:10 pm National Anthem sung by our own Hillgrove High School Chorus
Ireland $3,000 to $3,500 depending on number of participants 6 days -- Dublin to Shannon Blarney Castle Cliffs of Moher Dublin Castle Ring of Kerry Sheepdog Demonstration $3,000 to $3,500 depending on number of participants
QUESTIONS? Blog – Hillgrovechorus.wordpress.com Email – Hillgrovechorusbooster@gmail.com Sarah.Benjamin@cobbk12.org