Contents: 1. More on tables 2. Images (the <img> tag) 3. Meta tags 4. Forms 5. Frames and inline frames 6. XHTML vs. HTML 7. XHTML Validator
More on Tables As you know... And also... The most basic tags in dealing with tables: • <table>: Defines the overall table • <tr>: Defines each row • <td>: Defines each cell And also... To give more information about your table and define the header cells: • <caption>: Defines the meaning of the table • <th>: Defines header cells
Example: The following code: <table> <caption>My important data</caption> <tr> <th>Column 1</th> <th>Column 2</th> </tr> <td>1,1</td> <td>1,2</td> <td>2,1</td> <td>2,2</td> </table>