Daily Warm-Up Exercises Day 14 What are sediments? Sediments are particles that settle when whatever is carrying them slows down. How do sediments tend to settle? They tend to settle in horizontal layers, with new layers forming on top of old layers. How do sedimentary rocks form? They form when particles get compacted and cemented together. What does the color of a sedimentary rock depend on? It depends on what kind of particles the rock is made of. Daily Warm-Up Exercises Daily Warm-Up Exercises 1
Sand (Part 1) Investigation 4 My Sediments Exactly
Consider Sandstone How do we know a rock is sandstone? Grainy, gritty texture, sand comes off when rubbed, acid soaks in What is sandstone made of? Sand
Which came first? Which came first -- sand or sandstone? sand Where could the sand have come from? a beach or a desert broken-up sandstone a broken-up rock other than sandstone How can we test this?
Focus on Sand Each group can use: 1 plastic jar with a lid 5 pieces of granite hand lenses How can you use these materials to test the idea that sand comes from broken-up rocks?
Record your Results Draw and describe what you see through the hand lens. Draw the shapes of the sand particles, not just dots!!!!! Describe the sand in terms of size, shape and color.
Record your Results Draw and describe the fresh chunk of granite. Draw and describe the shaken chunk of granite.
Sand Analysis Sand analysis criteria: Location Shape Sorting Grain size Composition / color Wentworth Scale: Used to classify grain size Pages 34-35 in green book