Low spatial resolution SIMS images of a 2 μm-thick, freeze-substituted section of Galaxea fascicularis showing the distribution of (A) 40Ca and (B) 44Ca after 8 min incubation in Ca44 artificial seawater in the dark. Low spatial resolution SIMS images of a 2 μm-thick, freeze-substituted section of Galaxea fascicularis showing the distribution of (A) 40Ca and (B) 44Ca after 8 min incubation in Ca44 artificial seawater in the dark. The 44Ca/40Ca ratio image (C) and line profile (E) measured over A–B in (C) indicate that 44Ca has reached a higher relative concentration in the mesogloea and extrathecal coelenteron than in the external seawater layer. The grey values, however, are lower than in Fig. 7. Grey values in E represent pixel intensity values along A–B in (C) as a function of distance (μm). (D) Adjacent section, stained with Toluidine Blue, showing the external seawater layer (SW), oral ectoderm (OE), mesogloea (M), oral gastrodermis (OG), extrathecal coelenteron (ETC), aboral gastrodermis (AG) and calicoblastic ectoderm (CE). Alan T. Marshall et al. J Exp Biol 2007;210:2453-2463 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007