Distribution of protrusive activity.


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Distribution of protrusive activity. Distribution of protrusive activity. (A) Rose diagrams show the distribution of protrusive activity of cells in the E7.5 primitive streak, and in regions 1, 2 and 3 of E8.5 WT embryos compared with cells in the corresponding regions of Ptk7 mutant embryos. Cell behavior was identical in regions 2 and 3 of the Ptk7 mutant, and is represented by the single rose diagram for region 3. Data are represented as the mean percentage of total protrusions that occur in each bin, and the total number of cells and protrusions analyzed are listed under each diagram. Data are from six WT embryos and four Ptk7 mutant embryos. The 90°/270° line represents the A/P axis of the embryo. (B) Frames from time-lapse sequences, showing motile cells in region 3 of WT (top) and Ptk7 mutant (bottom) embryos. Individual cells are outlined in green, red arrows point to protrusions. Scale bars: 20 μm. Wei Wei Yen et al. Development 2009;136:2039-2048 © 2009.