Alaska Railroad DOT Mtg 7/13/10
Discussion Items: ARRC ROW Process Crossings and Trespass
ARRC ROW 200’ wide, fee simple, Seward to Fairbanks DOT presence in ROW is significant, Seward, Glenn, Parks, Richardson DOT facilities are in ROW under permit Permit structure is currently changing
ARRC Permit Process Starts with an application ARRC Real Estate routes for approvals, especially ROW and Engineering ARRC has a limited engineering staff, currently 5 PEs ROW issues are reviewed by the ARRC ROW committee Permits are issued for projects Most projects also require a Temporary Construction Permit to address construction issues Upgrades and changes to existing facilities require additional ARRC review and approval
Trespass DOT is a problem and solution 3 trespass fatalities 2001-2010 DOT facilities enable trespass This is an area for creative solutions
Crossings Always a problem Grade separations are appreciated ARRC expertise is limited to rail operations Signal systems involve several parts of the railroad
Quiet Zones Opportunity to decrease noise impacts from a project. Median barriers are the perferred approach Wayside horns also help