Plenary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ask the teacher a question! 1 Pass! Ask the teacher a question!
2 I would improve… by…
One problem that arose today was… My solution would be to… 3 One problem that arose today was… My solution would be to…
4 One difficulty of… is… A solution to this is…
If we… the results are that… because… 5 If we… the results are that… because…
6 One way we can… is to… Another way is to…
The rule behind what we have learnt today is… 7 The rule behind what we have learnt today is…
You can also apply this to... 8 The rule behind... is... You can also apply this to...
I think the way we can build on what we’ve learned today is by… 9 I think the way we can build on what we’ve learned today is by…