PRTRs building on existing reporting structures: The French PRTR Grégoire NIMESKERN Policy officer French focal point for the PRTR Protocol 3rd Global round table on PRTRs Wednesday, 7th November 2018 Geneva, Switzerland
Achievement of the SDGs Key challenges: Technical challenges Data quality Data validation Public accessibility Understanding of the environmental information Expected outcomes: Providing accessible environmental information Making environmental information user-friendly and understandable Stimulating public participation on sustainable development Future steps: Recasting data collection tool Interoperability with other applications Open data according to French law (stricter than EU regulation)
The French PRTR Data collection Data bancarisation & review Data reporting & diffusion © INERIS
Data collection Integrated tool: Response to the needs of several international and European regulations: CLRTAP CCNUCC E-PRTR IED/LCP ETS Response to the needs of several national regulations: IREP (national PRTR) Regional waste plans Annual career survey
Data collection GEREP application Several tabs: Properties Water (releases / transfers) Air Soil Waste Validation
Data collection Recasting in progress (2020-2021 deadline): Data collection improvement (more ergonomic and intuitive declaration, resolution of technical challenges) Interoperability with other applications (administrative data on inspectorate reporting system S3IC, frequent self-monitoring data on reporting system GIDAF, etc.): Pre-initialisation of the company and establishment data registered on S3IC (recasting in progress too) Organisation of the declaration (blocks and accessible functions) according to the activities listed on S3IC (ICPE nomenclature) Determination of emission values from the data registered on GIDAF
Data review 1st level: Automatic controls in GEREP application Resumption of controls by the EEA as part of the E-PRTR reporting (e.g. current year value is greater than 200% (for pollutants) or 1,000% (for waste) or less than 10% of previous year value, current year value is greater than 10% of national emissions) Complementary controls according to the national regulation (e.g. current year values – even if they are below the thresholds – must be declared if previous year values were above the thresholds) 2nd level: Control of declarations by the inspectorate services Validation Data transmission to the Ministry Revision Return to the declarant for data correction 3rd level: Checks by the technical referents of the Ministry (INERIS and CITEPA)
Data reporting Géorisques website Gathers 10 sources of historical data (called “thematic files”) relating to technological and natural risks: IREP database
Data reporting IREP database Search: By facility (sort by region/department/city, NACE or E-PRTR activity, etc.) By pollutant (list of pollutants in alphabetical order, choice of media) By waste (list of wastes classified by waste code, hazardous waste / non-hazardous waste distinction) Summaries: By activity sector (choice of one or more E-PRTR activities, choice of one or more media possible) By substance (choice of one or more pollutants, choice of one or more media possible) Download: Possibility to download the complete database since 2003 (data above thresholds only)
Data reporting Interactive maps Possibility to display multiple layers at the same time (coherence of geographical coordinates between layers in progress): Choice of one or more layers
Data reporting E-PRTR database
Achievement of the SDGs Key challenges: Technical challenges Data quality Data validation Public accessibility Understanding of the environmental information Expected outcomes: Providing accessible environmental information Making environmental information user-friendly and understandable Stimulating public participation on sustainable development Future steps: Recasting data collection tool Interoperability with other applications Open data according to French law (stricter than EU regulation)
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