UNEMPLOYMENT, YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT AND NEET. SPAIN & PORTUGAL. EUROSTAT EUROSTAT POPULATION 2016 PORTUGAL 10.341.300 SPAIN 46.440.100 Young people who are not in employment, education or training (the NEET) YOUNG POPULATION 2016 (<25) MEN WOMEN TOTAL PORTUGAL SPAIN 7.208.763 6.899.634 14.108.397 OECD OECD
Youth employment in Spain Employment Rate. University Graduates. Spain. 2010, % Health Science 81,3 Engineering & architecture 80,8 Social and Legal Sciences 74,2 Sciences 70,0 Arts 64,3 Total 75,6 % over the total young employed. Spain Commerce 20,9 Hostelry 14,4 Manufacturing Industry 11,4 Health activities and social services 8,0 Professional, scientific and technical activities 5,7 Young employed by sector (Spain) 1,9 million 302000 INE
Real labour productivity, EU-28, 2006, 2011 and 2016 (thousand EUR per person employed)
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