other specific properties. By Vanessa de miguel puente5a.
HARDNESS. Hardness is the ability to resist scratches and cuts. Diamond is a very hard material and chalk is a very soft material.
TOUGHNESS. Toughness is the ability to resist breaking.Steel and granite are tough material.Glass and porcelain are fragile.
PLASTICITY. Plasticity is the ability to change shape whithout breaking.
DUCTILITY. example:Gold. We can stretch some materials called ductuliy.For example:Gold.
ELASTICITY. Some materials return to their original shape this is called elasticity.For example:A sponge.
CONDUCTIVITY. Iron,conduct heat easily.They are thermal conductor. But wood are thermal insulators.
QUESTIONS. 1-What is the ability of hardness? 2-What materials are fragile? 3-What is the ability of plasticity? 4-What material are thermal conductors? 5-What material are thermal insulators?
ANSWERS. 1-The ability of hardness are resist scrachis and cuts. 2-There are fragile glass and porcelain. 3-The ability of plasticity change shape whithout breaking. 4-There is thermal conductor iron. 5- There is thermal insulators wood.