Fig. 10. Ratiometric live imaging of di-4-ANEPPDHQ in growing pollen tubes.(A) Higher and lower membrane order distribution in control and BCD treated pollen tubes. Ratiometric live imaging of di-4-ANEPPDHQ in growing pollen tubes.(A) Higher and lower membrane order distribution in control and BCD treated pollen tubes. (a–f) Red (a,d) and green (b,e) channels of control pollen tubes. GP images (c,f) revealed a higher membrane order in the tip region than in the shank. (g–i,l–n) In BCD-treated pollen tubes both the red (g,l) and green (h,m) channel intensities were uniform in tip and shank. GP images (i,n) showed loss of asymmetry in higher-order membrane distribution along pollen tube. Scale bars: 10 µm. (B) Ratio of ratios. (a) Red/green values calculated in the tip (white ROI) and shank (yellow ROI) of control pollen tubes. The mean red/green ratio in the tip was significantly lower than in the shank (n = 12). (b) Red/green ratios in the tip (white ROI) and shank (yellow ROI) of BCD-treated pollen tubes. Mean red/green ratios in tip and shank were equal and higher than in controls (n = 9). Error bars indicate standard errors. ** indicates P<0.001. Alessandra Moscatelli et al. Biology Open 2015;bio.201410249 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd