Regional Labour Market Item 6.3 of the agenda Daniela Sciranková Eurostat Unit E4 WG on Regional, Urban and Rural Development statistics – October 2015
Regional labour market statistics LFS NUTS 2 data dissemination NUTS 3 data collection Labour market aggregates by typology October 2015
NUTS 2 data dissemination Annual EU-LFS NUTS 2 data published on 22 April Publication of the 2014 data for the French overseas departments (DOMs) delayed until 8 July due to changes October 2015
News Release on Unemployment in the EU regions Headline: 'Unemployment rates fell in the majority of the EU regions in 2014' High media interest in regional unemployment figures 8 tweets posted by Eurostat on Twitter; re-posted 711 times by users October 2015
Eurostat on Twitter October 2015
Eurostat in media October 2014
NUTS 3 data collection 2014 NUTS 3 data received from 25 out of the relevant 26 MS FR did not provide NUTS 3 data October 2015
NUTS 3 data collection – state of play 18 countries allow use of aggregations based on LFS microdata ES send data based on LFS to E4 IE and AT provide unemployment data to E4 to complement the NUTS 3 micro data HR, PL, RO and SI provide tabulated data PT send data already aggregated by typologies and tabulated data on population DE send data already aggregated by typologies October 2015
2014 NUTS 3 data transmission MS in green: aggregated data based on LFS micro data (or NUTS 3 data sent to E4 as tabulated data but available also in LFS micro data) MS in light blue: tabulated data or data aggregated by typology sent to unit E4
Update of the labour market data by regional typologies 2014 data for Metropolitan regions, Maritime regions and Urban-Rural typology datasets published already in August All datasets updated on 2 October (including data for IE and RO) October 2015
Metadata on Regional statistics by typology A new metadata file on Regional statistics by typology available on Eurostat website since June October 2015
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