Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables 主講人:虞台文

Content Random Variables and Distribution Functions Probability Density Functions of Continuous Random Variables The Exponential Distributions The Reliability and Failure Rate The Erlang Distributions The Gamma Distributions The Gaussian or Normal Distributions The Uniform Distributions

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables Random Variables and Distribution Functions

The Temperature in Taipei 今天中午台北市氣溫為25C之機率為何? 今天中午台北市氣溫小於或等於25C之機率為何?

Renewed Definition of Random Variables A random variable X on a probability space (, A, P) is a function X : R that assigns a real number X() to each sample point , such that for every real number x, the set {|X()  x} is an event, i.e., a member of A.

The (Cumulative) Distribution Functions The (cumulative) distribution function FX of a random variable X is defined to be the function FX(x) = P(X  x), − < x < .

Example 1

Example 1

Example 1 R y

Example 1 R y

Example 1

Example 1 RY R R/2

Example 1

Example 1

Properties of Distribution Functions 0  F(x)  1 for all x; F is monotonically nondecreasing; F() = 0 and F() =1; F(x+) = F(x) for all x.

Definition  Continuous Random Variables A random variable X is called a continuous random variable if

Example 2

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables Probability Density Functions of Continuous Random Variables

Probability Density Functions of Continuous Random Variables A probability density function (pdf) fX(x) of a continuous random variable X is a nonnegative function f such that

Probability Density Functions of Continuous Random Variables A probability density function (pdf) fX(x) of a continuous random variable X is a nonnegative function f such that

Properties of Pdf's Remark: f(x) can be larger than 1.

Example 3

Example 3

Example 3

Example 3

Example 3 0.25926 1/3

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables The Exponential Distributions

The Exponential Distributions The following r.v.’s are often modelled as exponential: Interarrival time between two successive job arrivals. Service time at a server in a queuing network. Life time of a component.

The Exponential Distributions A r.v. X is said to possess an exponential distribution and to be exponentially distributed, denoted by X ~ Exp(), if it possesses the density

The Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate The Exponential Distributions pdf cdf

The Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate The Exponential Distributions pdf cdf

Memoryless or Markov Property

Memoryless or Markov Property

Memoryless or Markov Property Exercise: 連續型隨機變數中,唯有指數分佈具備無記憶性。

The Relation Between Poisson and Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate Let r.v. Nt denote #jobs arriving to a computer system in the interval (0, t]. Nt t

The Relation Between Poisson and Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate Let r.v. Nt denote #jobs arriving to a computer system in the interval (0, t]. Nt The next arrival t X Let X denote the time of the next arrival.

The Relation Between Poisson and Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate Let r.v. Nt denote #jobs arriving to a computer system in the interval (0, t]. Nt The next arrival t 能求出P(X > t)嗎? X Let X denote the time of the next arrival.

The Relation Between Poisson and Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate Let r.v. Nt denote #jobs arriving to a computer system in the interval (0, t]. Nt The next arrival t 能求出P(X > t)嗎? X Let X denote the time of the next arrival.

The Relation Between Poisson and Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate Let r.v. Nt denote #jobs arriving to a computer system in the interval (0, t]. Nt The next arrival t X Let X denote the time of the next arrival.

The Relation Between Poisson and Exponential Distributions : arriving rate : failure rate t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 The interarrival times of a Poisson process are exponentially distributed.

P(“No job”) = ? 10 secs Example 5  = 0.1 job/sec

Example 5  = 0.1 job/sec Method 1: P(“No job”) = ? 10 secs Example 5  = 0.1 job/sec Method 1: Let N10 represent #jobs arriving in the 10 secs. Method 2: Let X represent the time of the next arriving job.

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables The Reliability and Failure Rate

Definition  Reliability Let r.v. X be the lifetime or time to failure of a component. The probability that the component survives until some time t is called the reliability R(t) of the component, i.e., R(t) = P(X > t) = 1  F(t) Remarks: F(t) is, hence, called unreliability. R’(t) = F’(t) = f(t) is called the failure density function.

The Instantaneous Failure Rate 剎那間,ㄧ切化作永恆。

The Instantaneous Failure Rate t+t t

The Instantaneous Failure Rate

The Instantaneous Failure Rate 瞬間暴斃率h(t)

The Instantaneous Failure Rate 瞬間暴斃率h(t)

Example 6 以指數分配來model物件壽命之機率分配合理嗎? Show that the failure rate of exponential distribution is characterized by a constant failure rate. 以指數分配來model物件壽命之機率分配合理嗎?

More on Failure Rates t h(t) CFR 

More on Failure Rates t h(t) DFR IFR Useful Life CFR CFR 

? ? More on Failure Rates Exponential Distribution h(t)  t DFR IFR ? ? Useful Life CFR CFR 

Relationships among F(t), f(t), R(t), h(t)

Relationships among F(t), f(t), R(t), h(t)

Relationships among F(t), f(t), R(t), h(t)

Relationships among F(t), f(t), R(t), h(t) ? ? ?

Cumulative Hazard

Relationships among F(t), f(t), R(t), h(t)

Example 7

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables The Erlang Distributions

我的老照相機與閃光燈 它只能使用四次 每使用一次後轉動九十度 使用四次後壽終正寢

The Erlang Distributions time The lifetime of my flash (X) [0, ) fX(t)=? I(X)=?

The Erlang Distributions Nt ~ P(t) The Erlang Distributions Consider a component subjected to an environment so that Nt, the number of peak stresses in the interval (0, t], is Poisson distributed with parameter t. Suppose that the rth peak will cause a failure. Let X denote the lifetime of the component. Then, cdf

The Erlang Distributions Nt ~ P(t) The Erlang Distributions Exercise of Chapter 2 Consider a component subjected to an environment so that Nt, the number of peak stresses in the interval (0, t], is Poisson distributed with parameter t. Suppose that the rth peak will cause a failure. Let X denote the lifetime of the component. Then, pdf cdf

The r-Stage Erlang Distributions Consider a component subjected to an environment so that Nt, the number of peak stresses in the interval (0, t], is Poisson distributed with parameter t. Suppose that the rth peak will cause a failure. Let X denote the lifetime of the component. Then, pdf cdf

The r-Stage Erlang Distributions pdf cdf

The r-Stage Erlang Distributions pdf

Example 8  = 9 jobs/hr. Let X represent the time of the 5th arrival. In a batch processing environment, the number of jobs arriving for service is 9 per hour. If the arrival process satisfies the requirement of a Poisson experiment. Find the probability that the elapse time between a given arrival and the fifth subsequent arrival is less than 10 minutes.  = 9 jobs/hr. Let X represent the time of the 5th arrival.

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables The Gamma Distributions

r為一正整數 欲將之推廣為正實數 Review pdf

Review    pdf

The Gamma Distributions pdf


Chi-Square Distributions

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables The Gaussian or Normal Distributions

The Gaussian or Normal Distributions 德國的10馬克紙幣, 以高斯(Gauss, 1777-1855)為人像, 人像左側有一常態分佈之p.d.f.及其圖形。

The Gaussian or Normal Distributions pdf

The Gaussian or Normal Distributions  : mean  : standard deviation 2: variance The Gaussian or Normal Distributions Inflection point Inflection point

The Gaussian or Normal Distributions  : mean  : standard deviation 2: variance The Gaussian or Normal Distributions varying  varying 

The Gaussian or Normal Distributions  : mean  : standard deviation 2: variance The Gaussian or Normal Distributions Facts:

The Gaussian or Normal Distributions  : mean  : standard deviation 2: variance The Gaussian or Normal Distributions

Standard Normal Distribution

Table of N(0, 1) z

Table of N(0, 1) z Fact:

Probability Evaluation for N(, 2) x 

Probability Evaluation for N(, 2) x 

Probability Evaluation for N(, 2) Fact: Probability Evaluation for N(, 2) x  Z-Score:表距離中心若干個標準差

Example 9 X ~ N(12.00, 0.202)

X ~ N(12.00, 0.202) Example 9

X ~ N(12.00, 0.202) Example 9

X ~ N(12.00, 0.202) Example 9

Example 10  |X  | <  |X  | < 2 |X  | < 3

Example 10

Example 10

Example 10

Chapter 4-1 Continuous Random Variables The Uniform Distributions

The Uniform Distributions a b x f(x) pdf a b x F(x) 1 cdf

Summary The Exponential Distributions The Erlang Distributions The Gamma Distributions The Gaussian or Normal Distributions The Uniform Distributions